March 26, 2025

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FILM REVIEW: My Straight Son

<p>Diego a successful Fashion Photographer in Caracas has commitment phobia but the very night he is about to tell Fabrizio his Doctor boyfriend that he will move in with him after all, is the same night that Fabrizio is the victim of a vicious fatal gay bashing. It is also the same night that Armando, his estranged teenage son, turns up from Spain to stay with him for a few months whilst his mother goes to London to study for a Masters degree.</p> <p><a href="">By Roger Walker-Dack</a> | 18th September 2014</p><p>★★★★</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>

Diego a successful Fashion Photographer in Caracas has commitment phobia but the very night he is about to tell Fabrizio his Doctor boyfriend that he will move in with him after all, is the same night that Fabrizio is the victim of a vicious fatal gay bashing. It is also the same night that Armando, his estranged teenage son, turns up from Spain to stay with him for a few months whilst his mother goes to London to study for a Masters degree.

By Roger Walker-Dack | 18th September 2014


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