March 23, 2025

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Financial Literacy Program Promoter & Facilitator

<p>Ordinaire, INC. – Union City, GA<br /> Ordinaire, INC was founded in 2006 to address health and economic disparities in the Atlanta area. Recently, Williams Accounting & Consulting joined forces with Ordinaire to help further our mission, by supporting financial wellness—meaning satisfaction with current and future financial situations.<br /> In order to build the expertise Williams Accounting & Consulting [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Financial Literacy Program Promoter & Facilitator</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>

Ordinaire, INC.Union City, GA

Ordinaire, INC was founded in 2006 to address health and economic disparities in the Atlanta area. Recently, Williams Accounting & Consulting joined forces with Ordinaire to help further our mission, by supporting financial wellness—meaning satisfaction with current and future financial situations.

In order to build the expertise Williams Accounting & Consulting brings to the table we have identified an innovative programming opportunity focusing on economic empowerment for same-gender loving men of color could prove to be an invaluable services. We want to plant seeds that builds the capacity of same gender loving men of color and other vulnerable groups to advance their financial literacy and spark embers of entrepreneurship.

Financial Literacy Program Promoter & Facilitator

Financial Literacy Program Promoter & Facilitator


  • Build personal knowledge around financial literacy, and entrepreneurship.
  • Prepare facilitation plan based on Ordinaire’s financial literacy curriculum.
  • Promote workshops in disadvantaged/marginalized communities.
  • Facilitate workshops (in community centers, schools, churches, community base organizations, etc.).
  • Gather pre & post workshop data and evaluation.
  • Identify community partners to expand on Ordinaire Inc. services.
  • Attend mandatory trainings as needed and/or available.
  • Participate in ongoing professional development workshops throughout the year.
  • Work with consultants to improve service delivery
  • Other duties as assigned by immediate supervisor(s)/Executive Director.

Required experience:

  • Engaging LGBT young people & vulnerable populations. Facilitation : 1 year

Ordinaire Inc. is committed to providing communities with education and skill sets needed to advance in the workforce and to secure employment. For more information please email

Ordinaire, Inc was founded in 2006 to address health and economic disparities in the Atlanta area. Recently, Williams Accounting & Consulting joined forces with Ordinaire to help further our mission, and together with the community on our side, we strive to be positive change agents for a better society.

We have a grass roots, hands-on approach to disease prevention, health education, job training, career placement, financial wellness and economic counseling to people in need. We are presently seeking additional funding for the implementation of health and wellness programs, and volunteers for job training and job placement opportunities. Ordinaire is helping ordinary people do extraordinary things!


The post Financial Literacy Program Promoter & Facilitator appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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