DJ Doran and Joe Morales embark on a year long trek across the USA aboard their 33’ vintage 1979 Bluebird Wanderlodge Motor home named “Priscilla” to discover Gay America and write and film about their experiences for their web show The Adventures of Joey & DJ.

Priscilla Out n About TV
Chicago, October 1st, 2013- DJ Doran and Joe Morales the stars of the web based travel and adventure show “The Adventures of Joey & DJ” and seen on Out n About TV have departed Chicago on their 52 week journey to discover and explore Gay America aboard their 33’ vintage 1979 Bluebird Wanderlodge. The first part of their route will take them across the northern part of the country to Buffalo New York and Niagara Falls. The second leg will be through Vermont and New Hampshire and then down the eastern coastline to Washington DC. From there they will head west to intersect the infamous Route 66 and follow its legendary path to LA before heading north on The Pacific Coast Highway to Oregon and Washington State. The final legs of their adventure will have them zigzagging their way to down from the Pacific Northwest to the Gulf Coast and Florida.

DJ Doran & Joe Morales
Out n About TV
“We will have the chance to experience the USA aboard “Priscilla” in a way that allows us to take our time exploring the places we visit and get to know the Gay and Straight people that we meet during our adventure in a much more personal way ” says Doran.
Out n About TV is a YouTube channel featuring shows from across the globe relating to LGBT Travel and Adventure.
The post Gay Couple Departs Chicago for Yearlong Exploration of the USA appeared first on The Gayly Post.
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