March 21, 2025

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Gay Heroes and LGBT Comics

<p>Introducing LGBTQ heroes GAYSAR Comics is a company that has created a line of gay heroes with the purpose to not only entertain the public, but also raise awareness and to fight for gay rights. The first comic book entitled “The Cure” will be released on November 7th and will have a cost of $4.99 […]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Gay Heroes and LGBT Comics</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>

Introducing LGBTQ heroes

GAYSAR Comics is a company that has created a line of gay heroes with the purpose to not only entertain the public, but also raise awareness and to fight for gay rights. The first comic book entitled “The Cure” will be released on November 7th and will have a cost of $4.99 a copy. While they will only be publishing their first issue, GAYSAR Comics has already created a wide variety of gay heroes.

Gay Heroes and LGBT Comics

Gay Heroes and LGBT Comics

A representative from GAYSAR Comics was quoted as saying, “At GAYSAR Comics, we have created gay characters with special powers known as gay-heroes. They may be fictional, but they will help create real life heroes. How? GAYSAR will donate 2% of  comic book issue sales to international and national gay nonprofit organizations.”
Though the characters and story lines may be fictional, they are based on the life experiences of our LGBTQ community. Before each of the characters were created, representatives from GAYSAR Comics met with high school students members of the LGBTQ community to discuss various issues that they face on a daily basis. Many of these issues and discussions inspired the stories in the GAYSAR Universe.

“Each character represents current issues that affect each of us, inside and outside of our community. For example, transgender issues; what these people are going through and what they have to face in a daily basic. Also, in Uganda gay people are being punished with life imprisonment or with death penalty. Kids in Honduras are exploited and used by drug cartels. The global political issues we cover also include social justice, AIDS/HIV, love, awareness, and acceptance.”says a representative from GAYSAR Comics.

Some of the unique gay heroes created by GAYSAR include: Dr. Neveah, a transgender super genius who can  transform into other people. Eron, a latino hero whose brain gives him the power to do unexplainable things; his overall skills become limitless as his brain percentage goes up. Queen Izar a Drag who has the power to give and take life. Nami, a twink who can communicate and become one with technology. Kian, a gay bear motivational speaker for the gay community who has the strength and senses of a bear. Jaseri, a lesbian who has the ability to control the elements of nature. GAYSAR attempts to represent all the members of the gay community such as lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, queers, and sub-community as Bigender, Leather, Butch, Bear and Drag Queen.

In order to find out more about GAYSAR comics, their unique brand of gay heroes, about the goals that the company is trying to reach, or to learn how to get a copy of their first issued comic, visit their website right here. GAYSAR Comics, has also launched an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign to give the first comic book a collection item to those who contribute. If you would like to be part of the success of GAYSAR in our community, please share or contribute here to the campaign and help towards the dream of many LGBTQ artists.

Also, to find out which gay-hero are you with a fun game, click here.

The post Gay Heroes and LGBT Comics appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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