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Gay Pride Madrid Orgullo

<p>[ July 1, 2015 to July 5, 2015. ] Gay Pride/Madrid Orgullo – Open air concerts, 6 different performing stages, parties, art, culture, sport and all of them around gay neighborhood Chueca at the very center of the city. Madrid, Spain.<br /> MADO (Madrid Pride) is the great festival held in the Chueca and some of the main streets of Madrid, during the "LGBT Pride Week", whose [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Gay Pride Madrid Orgullo</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>
July 1, 2015toJuly 5, 2015

Gay Pride/Madrid Orgullo – Open air concerts, 6 different performing stages, parties, art, culture, sport and all of them around gay neighborhood Chueca at the very center of the city. Madrid, Spain.

MADO (Madrid Pride) is the great festival held in the Chueca and some of the main streets of Madrid, during the “LGBT Pride Week”, whose main event is the national demonstration, the largest in Europe, It takes place the first Saturday in July.

Gay Pride Madrid Orgullo

Gay Pride Madrid Orgullo



There are more than 500 businesses for the public LGBT (bars, cafes, restaurants, nightclubs, bookstores, travel agencies, clubs, hotels, shops, etc.) and also many other businesses “gay-friendly” directing their activity in Madrid this target audience.

This festival has become its own right, the most popular of Spain. And, Pride has grown from those small protest demonstrations of the 80s to the big event it is today. Event in which we come together to celebrate equality and diversity, in a playful and fun, not to mention the demands of LGBT People.

LGBT Pride festival is open to everyone (children, youth, seniors, barium neighbors and visitors from all over the world) with a multi-ethnic and cultural diversity that reflects today’s society. Thus it was born the “Pride, an example of coexistence.” This initiative aims to promote the involvement and awareness of groups, companies, organizations and prescribers needed to promote reconciliation on the impact that the MADO, and the need to engage with respect and coexistence

MADO organizers: AEGAL (Association of Businessmen and Professionals for LGBT Community of Madrid), COGAM (LGBT People of Madrid) and FELGTB (State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals) have designed a comprehensive program of activities both for residents of Chueca, to the hundreds of thousands of visitors and tourists who have joined us in these days. This year is going to make a special effort to MADO is a truly sustainable and environmentally friendly event with a program of very important actions.

For over ten years the MADO Madrid Pride march Madrid and has state character, ie, in Madrid we meet all State Associations and Groups Spanish to celebrate together.

In recent years the Pride celebrations in Madrid have come to gather more than two million participants.

The post Gay Pride Madrid Orgullo appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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