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Gay Pride Sao Paulo 2013

[ May 30, 2013 to June 3, 2013. ] Sao Paulo, Brazil Gay Pride Sao Paulo The Sao Paulo Gay Pride or Parada do Orgulho Gay GLBT de Sao Paulo, in Portuguese, has grown from 2,000 participants in 1997 to almost 4 million people in its last edition. They made to the Guinness Book in 2006 for the world’s biggest Gay Pride celebration and haven't lost [...]
May 30, 2013toJune 3, 2013

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Gay Pride Sao Paulo

The Sao Paulo Gay Pride or Parada do Orgulho Gay GLBT de Sao Paulo, in Portuguese, has grown from 2,000 participants in 1997 to almost 4 million people in its last edition. They made to the Guinness Book in 2006 for the world’s biggest Gay Pride celebration and haven’t lost its #1 position ever since.

The 2013 Sao Paulo Gay Pride Parade was under the theme Back to the closet, never again! Union and awareness in the fight against homophobia. The political message is the center of an entire month of celebrations which culminated with the Pride Parade on Sunday June 2, 2013. Before the awaited parade stravaganza, the Cultural Fair, the Cycle of Debates and the Gay Day back at the Hopi Hari are the big highlights.

2013 is the year of the Gay Pride Celebration in Sao Paulo. For an entire month, both the official and the parallel programs offered a rich mix of events to those who attended: from debates, plays, music concerts, dance performances, cultural fairs, street markets and more. The Gay Pride Sao Paulo main Event is and will always be the Gay Pride parade, attracting 4 million gays, lesbians, transgenders, bisexuals and their friends who will be partying like there is no tomorrow. Colorful and exuberant floats and thousands of people and their fabulous costumes will meet at the famous MASP – Museum of Art of Sao Paulo at around noon on Sunday June 2. Last year it all started with thousands dancing the Blue Danube Valse and ended with a float celebrating Peace. The goals is to always give visibility to the LGBT community, demanding the recognition of their citizenship, fighting against discrimination and prejudice and to build awareness on the society sexual diversity.


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