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Gay Pride Sitges 2014

<p>[ June 12, 2014 to June 16, 2014. ] Gay Pride Sitges - Sitges, Spain<br /> The ultimate Summer Pride! If you have ever been to Sitges for last years Pride or for Carnival or Fiesta Mayor, then you know that this town parties like no other! This year’s Gay Pride Sitges Parade will be no different. Already many of the bars, clubs and gay businesses [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Gay Pride Sitges 2014</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>
June 12, 2014toJune 16, 2014

Gay Pride Sitges – Sitges, Spain

The ultimate Summer Pride! If you have ever been to Sitges for last years Pride or for Carnival or Fiesta Mayor, then you know that this town parties like no other! This year’s Gay Pride Sitges Parade will be no different. Already many of the bars, clubs and gay businesses are busy planning the theme for their floats. The streets of Sitges will come alive from 7pm!

Gay Pride Sitges 2014

More than 60,000 people attended the Sitges Pride in 2011…and we expect many more in 2012, especially when people experienced the amazing atmosphere during the Saturday evening parade! It was magical… no where else in Europe can you find such an intimate parade where you are part of the celebration…not just a spectator!

Gay Pride Sitges 2014

Highlights from the 2013 International Gay Sitges Pride, featuring concerts, parties, parades and more. Sitges is just 30 minutes from Barcelona, Spain and is Europe’s No 1 gay destination

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The post Gay Pride Sitges 2014 appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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