March 22, 2025

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Gay Softball Leagues

Gay softball started at the national level in 1977 in San Francisco. While there were multiple places for athletes to play softball, gay softball was started as “our special place”. Not only were players free to socialize, to be who they were in a time where LGBT rights were anything but secure, but they were [...]

Gay softball started at the national level in 1977 in San Francisco. While there were multiple places for athletes to play softball, gay softball was started as “our special place”. Not only were players free to socialize, to be who they were in a time where LGBT rights were anything but secure, but they were free to enjoy sports as well. This was contrary to stereotypes that exist even to this day!

Several people involved in this effort were involved in bringing LGBT softball to other areas of the country. One of our founders and Hall of Fame member, Rick Ritt, was involved in forming NAGAAA: the North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance. NAGAAA produces the annual Gay Softball World Series held at the end of summer each year.

Source – Suncoast Softball League

  • Americas Finest City Softball League – San Diego, CA – San Diego’s softball league by and for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered athletes and our supportive heterosexual friends.
  • Badgerland Softball League – Madison, WI – The Badgerland Softball League, is a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender. Queer (LGBTQ), and supportive alliances social organization structured around the sport of softball and designed to promote and advance the health, social structure, and equality of the Madison, Wisconsin area LGBTQ community.
  • Big Apple Softball League – NY, NY – The Big Apple Softball League (BASL) is a non-profit adult community based sports organization, created to support the bonds of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered (LGBT) fellowship to play softball in a safe environment of friendly competition, free of discrimination on the basis of age, race, creed, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or playing ability.
  • Beantown Softball League, Inc. – Boston, MA - Founded in 1978, the Beantown Softball League is the largest athletic organization open to gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and heterosexual people in New England.
  • Bluff City Sports Association – Memphis, TN – Memphis Gay Softball.
  • Cabbagetown Group Softball League – Toronto – The Cabbagetown Group Softball League (CGSL) is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1975. Initially comprised of only 4 teams, the CGSL currently boasts 18 teams in 3 divisions of play with membership in excess of 300 women and men.
  • Central Florida Softball League – Orlando, FL – The Central Florida Softball League, Inc., is dedicated to offering a safe social and competitive athletic environment for the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgerendered community and their straight allies.
  • Chesapeake & Potomac Softball (CAPS) League – Washington DC – The Chesapeake and Potomac Softball League (CAPS) is a non-profit organization founded in 1983 to establish a friendly place for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered (GLBT) people in the greater Washington/Baltimore metropolitan areas to play softball, learn and/or enhance softball skills and meet new people.
  • Chicago Metropolitan Sports Association – Chicago, IL - The Chicago Metropolitan Sports Association (CMSA) is the largest not-for-profit gay and lesbian sports organization in the Midwest. We offer recreational and competitive level play in a variety of athletic leagues throughout the year.
  • City Of Brotherly Love Softball League – Philadelphia, PA – The City of Brotherly Love Softball League was voted Best Gay Sports League in the Philly area by the readers of the PGN!!!
  • Columbus Lesbian Gay Softball Association – Columbus, OH – CLGSA is an open division softball league open to GLBT players and friends in the Columbus metropolitan area. The organization strengthens our community by providing social connections, camaraderie, and athletic competition for players at all skill levels.
  • Denver Area Softball League – Denver, CO - The Denver Area Softball League (DASL) is dedicated to the promotion of amateur softball for all persons regardless of age, race, creed, religion, sex, or national origin, with special emphasis placed on the participation of members of the gay/lesbian community of the Denver Area.
  • Emerald City Softball Association – Seattle, WA – The ECSA “Open League” is open to both gay and non-gay men and women. Playing levels range from advanced to beginner and cover four divisions (A, B, C & D). Division placement depends primarily on player ability and overall team ability.
  • Greater Los Angeles Softball Association – Los Angeles, CA – The Greater Los Angeles Softball Association (GLASA) is an LGBT softball league supporting the Los Angeles Metro LGBT community started in 1978.
  • Heart Of America Softball League – Kansas City, MO – HASL is dedicated to the promotion of amateur softball for all adult persons regardless of age, race, creed, religion, sex, or national origin,with special emphasis on the participation of members of the gay community.
  • Hotlanta Softball League – Atlanta, GA – With over 550 members and 40 teams, HSL ranks among the largest member cities in ASANA and NAGAAA.
  • K-Town Softball League – Knoxville, TN – The K-Town Softball League is an organization dedicated to providing East Tennessee’s gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) community the opportunity to experience recreational softball in a safe, fun, and competitive environment.
  • Las Vegas Gay Athletics – Las Vegas, NV – LVGA³ Softball continues is commitment to the Lesbian, Gay and Transgender community to provide the opportunity for all to participate.
  • LB/OC Surf & Sun Softball League – Long Beach, CA – Orange County Softball.
  • Ligue de balle Maxima – Montreal – La Ligue de balle Maxima est un organisme sans but lucratif qui réunit depuis 1992 des gais, des lesbiennes et leurs ami(e)s de la région de Montréal pour s’amuser et jouer à la balle-lente. Le caractère amical et récréatif que la ligue a su encourager et préserver au fil des ans lui vaut d’être aujourd’hui le plus imposant groupe sportif de la communauté gaie montréalaise avec plus de deux cents membres et de nombreux supporteurs.
  • Metro Nashville Softball Association – Nashville, TN – The objective of the Organization is to promote amateur athletics with special emphasis on the participation of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community in an atmosphere of friendly competition.
  • Mid-Atlantic Amateur Softball Association – The Mid-Atlantic Amateur Softball Association exists to promote the camaraderie of amateur softball within North America and internationally while providing a safe, supportive environment for men and women within the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered community as well as friends from the greater society.
  • Montrose Softball League – Houston, TX – The Montrose Softball League (MSL) is dedicated to the promotion of amateur softball for all persons regardless of age, race, creed, religion, sex, or national origin, with special emphasis placed on the participation of members of the gay community of Greater Houston.
  • New South Softball League – Birmingham, AL – We are a member of the North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance (NAGAAA) which is a nonprofit international organization comprised of men and women dedicated to promoting amateur athletics for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) community.
  • NOLA Softball League – New Orleans, LA – The mission of NSL is to foster a positive environment for recreation and socializing through amateur slow-pitch softball, while supporting NSL sponsors and our community’s charitable organizations. NSL membership is open to all individuals, without prejudice.
  • North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance – Currently, over 800 teams in 45 leagues across the United States and Canada are members of NAGAAA. Teams representing these leagues participate in the NAGAAA Gay Softball World Series (GSWS), hosted each year in a different member city.
  • North Coast Softball – Cleveland, OH - North Coast Softball starts its 31st season this summer! Last year the league had 16 teams and about 280 players. Every year, the goal of the NCS league is to provide an outlet for LGBT players and allies to play softball in a fun, competitive, and discrimination-free environment.
  • Palm Springs Gay Softball League – Palm springs, CA – Palm Springs Gay Softball League, PSGSL, PSGSL.ORG, Gay Softball, Palm Springs Gay Activities
  • Pegasus Slowpitch Softball Association – Dalls, TX - Pegasus Slowpitch Softball Association is a Dallas based non profit organization dedicated to the promotion of quality amateur softball of all levels of play for persons of any race, creed, religion, sex or national origin, without prejudice, and with special emphasis placed on the participation of members of the gay community.
  • Renaissance City Softball League – Providence, RI – Providence Softball is the home of The Renaissance City Softball League dedicated to the growth and promotion of softball in the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered (GLBT) community in Rhode Island and surrounding areas. We also serve as an outreach to our non-GLBT friends, family and supporters. Celebrating our 14th anniversary, we provide a welcoming environment to all.
  • Rose City Softball Association – Portland, OR – The Rose City Softball Association is Oregon’s largest LGBTQ sports organization. Our primary focus is on slow-pitch softball, for all persons, with a special emphasis on the gay and lesbian communities. Established in 1995, the RCSA is a non-profit organization and a member of the North American Gay Amateur Athletic Association (NAGAAA), the Amateur Sports Alliance of North America (ASANA) and the Amateur Softball Association (ASA.)
  • Sacramento Valley Gay and Lesbian Softball – Sacramento, CA – We now have nearly 250 players from the Sacramento region including Sacramento, Yolo, Sutter, Yuba, Placer, El Dorado, Amador, Calaveras, San Joaquin, and parts of Solano and Contra Costa Counties. In 2012 we became affiliated with NAGAAA (North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance) providing an opportunity to send teams to compete in the Gay Softball World Series with sister leagues around the United States. SVGLS is also affiliated with the ASA (Amateur Softball Association) and follows both ASA and NAGAAA guidelines.
  • San Francisco Gay Softball League – San Francisco, CA – San Francisco Gay Softball League is a gay and lesbian softball league committed to providing an organization for both gay and non-gay participants to compete in an environment conducive to the gay community.
  • Saturday Softball Beer League – Milwaukee, WI - The Saturday Softball League, or SSBL, was created in 1977. SSBL’s main activity is to provide a softball league which runs on a weekly basis during the late spring and summer time. The purpose of the league is to allow gay, lesbian, and bisexual players to gain experience and develop softball skills within a formalized structure. The league membership includes both men and women, heterosexuals and homosexuals, young and old. The league play is governed by rules set forth by the American Softball Association and the league body. The playing rules and format are almost identical to other leagues throughout the Milwaukee area.
  • Silicon Valley Softball League – San Jose, CA – SVSL is the first league of its kind in Santa Clara Valley to provide an athletic, recreational and social opportunity for the LGBT Community of the greater San Jose area, as well as friends of the LGBT Community, through participation in organized softball league competition.
  • Softball Austin – Austin, TX – To offer the Central Texas gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered (GLBT) community, and the greater Austin community, the opportunity to experience and enjoy recreational softball in a competitive, inclusive and affirming environment. Softball Austin will organize, promote and support athletic, social, cultural or charitable activities.
  • Sooner State Softball Association – Oklahoma City, OK – The Sooner State Softball Association (SSSA) was formed to provide Oklahoma City and the state of Oklahoma’s LGBT community with a recreational opportunity and to help promote camaraderie. Our league welcomes players who are gay or gay friendly. You will find most levels of play in our league – from the pure recreational player to the more competitive player. The one constant you will find is sportsmanship.
  • Southern New England Softball League - Southern New England Friendship League – (New Haven, CT).
  • South Florida Amateur Athletic Assoc. – Ft Lauderdale, FL – Founded in 1994 as the South Florida Softball League, SFAAA has emerged as the premiere softball league for gay and lesbian athletes with over 20 teams and almost 400 members.
  • St. Louis G.L.A.S.S. - St Louis, MO – Aviation Field at Forest Park.
  • Steel City Softball League - Pittsburgh, PA – The Steel City Softball League began in 1981 and remains the longest running GLBT sports organizations in the Pittsburgh area. The league provides an atmosphere for individuals to be themselves without fear of discrimination and is open to all members and friends of the GLBT community of Pittsburgh.
  • Suncoast Softball League – Tampa, FL – The Suncoast Softball League was organized in 1994 to promote a friendly, competitive and emotionally safe environment for LGBT in the Tampa Bay area to participate in the sport of softball.
  • Tulsa Metro Softball League – Tulsa, OK – Tulsa Metro Softball League (TMSL) is an amateur softball league for the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Community and our allies of the Tulsa Metro Area. TMSL is an official program of Oklahomans for Equality and a founding member of the Equality Sports Alliance of Tulsa. TMSL is a member league of the North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance which allows us to send teams to represent Tulsa at the annual Gay Softball World Series.
  • Twin Cities Goodtime Softball League – The Twin Cities Goodtime Softball League is entering its 35th year as one of the largest leagues in NAGAAA – the North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance Open Division. Come out and join (or just watch) over 550 GLBT athletes and their friends on 36+ teams play ball this summer.
  • West End Slo-Pitch Association – Vancouver – The West-End Slo-Pitch Association was started in 1978 when gay and lesbian sports minded, fun-loving people gathered on Sunday afternoons at Lord Roberts School playground. The league has continued to grow over the years, with a record 16 teams and 217 players in our D Division and C Division – we are bigger and better than ever!
  • Wild Swine Berlin – Berlin, Germany – Softball for all femininities.
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