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GaymerX 2013

[ August 3, 2013 to August 4, 2013. ] San Francisco, CA GaymerX is the first gaming and geek lifestyle convention with a focus on LGBTQ culture. GaymerX 2013 GaymerX, previously GaymerCon, is the first gaming convention with a focus on LGBTQ Geek Culture - Gaming in the largest entertainment industry, one that is larger than music, film and TV, and yet until now, there has never [...]
August 3, 2013toAugust 4, 2013

San Francisco, CA

GaymerX is the first gaming and geek lifestyle convention with a focus on LGBTQ culture.

GaymerX 2013

GaymerX, previously GaymerCon, is the first gaming convention with a focus on LGBTQ Geek Culture – Gaming in the largest entertainment industry, one that is larger than music, film and TV, and yet until now, there has never been a safe space for queer geeks and their friends to come together, discuss queer theory in games as a community, and party as one. GaymerX is that convention – a weekend of fun, socializing, and educational panels in the heart of San Francisco.

GaymerX: World’s First LGBT Gamer Convention Comes to San FranciscoMashable
Along with cofounder Kayce Brown, Conn harnessed the power of gaming as a tool to raise awareness and curb anti-gay bullying and formed the world’s first convention catering to LGBT gamers. Now, the two-day event, GaymerX, is coming to San Francisco 

Some quick answers to commonly asked questions about the con & organization.

Q: Who is GaymerConnect/GaymerX?

A: GaymerConnect was founded originally as GaymerCon – we wanted to bring together a bunch of queer and allied gamers together for a really fun and educational get-together. As we began to grow, we both ran into an issue with using the name GaymerCon (someone owned the phonetic variants of GamerCon) and we also saw a community beginning to form among our forums and on our social media groups and we wanted to do more than just put on a con, but help spread a safe space for these queer geeks no matter where they live. And so, since we had to change our name anyways, we became GaymerConnect, and the name of our convention is GaymerX.

We’re a mix of queers, tech geeks, gamers, LGBT activists, allies and volunteers who want to see some diversity and queer-awareness in games and in the game industry.

Q: Gaymer doesn’t sound very inclusive… why name it that?

A: The word “Gaymer” came about as a simple play on the words “gay” and “gamer”. However, GaymerX is in no way meant just to be a convention for gay males. We are commited to making sure that “Gaymer” is all inclusive of not just gays, but lesbians, trans, bi, female, cis and every color and creed of the queer and allied rainbow.

Q: Why is GaymerX 18+?

A: We realize that queer youth are one of the groups that would be the most moved and affected by the con and its goals, and we hope that we can open it up as we move forward (and we are actively looking at solutions), but due to this being year one, and all the varying factors involved, we are, at least for now 18+. The last thing we could possibly want is to create an environment that would potentially be harmful for minors.

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