March 23, 2025

Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network – LGBTQ News And Press Release Syndication. Connecting Gay News Media Worldwide Since Nov. 2001, Over 20 Yrs Serving the Gay Community.

Greater Palm Springs Pride 2013

[ November 1, 2013 to November 3, 2013. ] Palms Springs, CA Greater Palm Springs Pride The Greater Palm Springs Pride board of directors announced “It’s Time’ will be the theme for the annual Palm Springs Pride Celebration scheduled for November 2 and 3, 2013. A nod to the past, the theme also represents new hope, new beginnings, and future progress toward equality.  The theme sets [...]
November 1, 2013toNovember 3, 2013

Palms Springs, CA

Greater Palm Springs Pride

The Greater Palm Springs Pride board of directors announced “It’s Time’ will be the theme for the annual Palm Springs Pride Celebration scheduled for November 2 and 3, 2013. A nod to the past, the theme also represents new hope, new beginnings, and future progress toward equality.  The theme sets the tone for the 27th annual celebration and will be a call for the community to step off the sidewalk and into the street and march for equality in the annual Pride parade.
About Pride in the Coachella Valley
Greater Palm Springs Pride ( is a non-profit organization founded to promote the public education and awareness of individual rights and civil liberties of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community and to promote the history, diversity and future prosperity of the Coachella Valley’s LGBT community. The organization produces the annual Palm Springs Pride Festival, Pride Parade, Block Parties, OUTday PSP, and the Harvey Milk Diversity Breakfast.
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