March 19, 2025

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Greater San Diego Business Association seeks CEO

SAN DIEGO — The Greater San Diego Business Association (GSDBA) is seeking a chief executive officer to oversee the daily administration and management of the organization. The GSDBA is San Diego’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and community supportive chamber of commerce. GSDBA’s mission is to promote business development to increase economic opportunities for our members, the [...]

SAN DIEGO — The Greater San Diego Business Association (GSDBA) is seeking a chief executive officer to oversee the daily administration and management of the organization.

The GSDBA is San Diego’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and community supportive chamber of commerce. GSDBA’s mission is to promote business development to increase economic opportunities for our members, the LGBT community and all who support business equality.

The Greater San Diego Business Association seeks a visionary CEO with a significant and measurable track record in membership development; business or business development experience preferably with small businesses; 5 to 7 years in senior level administrative management or equivalent; significant experience working with the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community; ability to provide value to our membership by growing our work linking business to business and business to consumer; and entrepreneurial experience in revenue generation opportunities. The ideal candidate will have demonstrated leadership with the ability to motivate others and bring about consensus when appropriate; strong interpersonal skills with professional demeanor and leadership presence; strong verbal and written communication and listening skills’ customer- and member-service orientation; strong marketing skills with understanding of branding and consistent and compelling message development; culturally sensitive and ability to work effectively with diverse population of members, volunteers, civic leaders, and corporate and community representatives; demonstration of initiative, innovation, strategic thinking and follow-through; experience and strong ability to work with and support Board of Directors; ethical with strong sense of personal and professional integrity; public speaking ability; strong analytical skills; extensive knowledge in finance and budgeting; strong computer skills; and must be flexible to work evenings and weekends as needed. BA degree or equivalent work experience required.

The CEO is responsible for the daily administration and good organizational management of GSDBA which includes but is not limited to membership development and relations, program development to serve members, public relations and marketing, sound management of all fiscal resources; supervision of all staff, and business operations in accordance with standard business practices. The CEO works with and supports the Board of Directors to define priorities especially through the strategic plan, builds and develops teamwork among Board members and other volunteer and member leaders, and ensures program and fiscal accountability. The GSDBA is San Diego’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and community supportive chamber of commerce. GSDBA’s mission is to promote business development to increase economic opportunities for our members, the LGBT community and all who support business equality. It is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advocating mainstream acceptance of diversity throughout our society by providing opportunities for LGBT and community-supportive businesses to succeed region-wide. The Association offers networking, business enhancement opportunities, social activities and advocacy relate to business. Additional information on GSDBA can be found at

Applicants should submit their materials to Phyllis Quan, search consultant, at by Oct. 11.

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