March 17, 2025

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Gynecologist Part Time Callen-Lorde

<p>New York, NY<br /> Callen-Lorde is seeking an experienced, dedicated, gynecologist to join our team on a part-time basis. This role will provide gynecological care to a diverse female bodied patient population including patients who identify as lesbian, bisexual, heterosexual, gender non-conforming, and transgender. The ideal candidate will provide routine and urgent GYN care, perform colposcopies and [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Gynecologist Part Time Callen-Lorde</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>

New York, NY

Callen-Lorde is seeking an experienced, dedicated, gynecologist to join our team on a part-time basis. This role will provide gynecological care to a diverse female bodied patient population including patients who identify as lesbian, bisexual, heterosexual, gender non-conforming, and transgender. The ideal candidate will provide routine and urgent GYN care, perform colposcopies and high resolutions anoscopies (HRA), as well as participate in and expand our alternative insemination program. This candidate will be the collaborating physician for mid-level women’s health providers.

Gynecologist Part Time Callen-Lorde

Gynecologist Part Time Callen-Lorde

Work Schedule/Salary/Benefits The Health Center is open Monday through Saturday day and evening. We are seeking someone who can commit to working approximately a 15 hours per week schedule as a per diem. 


  • New York State Certification/Licensure and current New York State Registration.
  • Board Certification in Gynecology.
  • Certification and experience in high resolution anoscopy required.
  • Demonstrated knowledge of LGBT health related concerns.
  • Experience in sexually transmitted infection screening, treatment, and education.
  • Experience in providing care to diverse populations, including transgender patients adults and adolescents, preferred.
  • Experience or familiarity with alternative insemination techniques preferred.
  • Commitment to community based health care services and to our mission.
  • Bilingual (Spanish/English) a plus.

Send cover letter and resume including salary requirements to: 
Subject: GYN Provider Search 
Fax: 212-271-7237 

Callen-Lorde Community Health Center 
356 West 18th Street, New York, NY 10011 


Our Mission

Callen-Lorde Community Health Center provides sensitive, quality health care and related services targeted to New York’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities — in all their diversity — regardless of ability to pay. To further this mission, Callen-Lorde promotes health education and wellness and advocates for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender health issues.

Our History

Callen-Lorde’s grassroots heritage dates back over 40 years to the St. Mark’s Community Clinic and the Gay Men’s Health Project, two volunteer-based clinics that provided screening and treatment for sexually-transmitted diseases. These clinics merged in 1983 to form Community Health Project, a mostly volunteer-staffed, episodic care program housing the nation’s first community-based HIV clinic.

The post Gynecologist Part Time Callen-Lorde appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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