December 22, 2024

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Hamburg Pride 2013

[ July 27, 2013 to August 4, 2013. ] Hamburg, Germany Hamburg Pride Members of Hamburg Pride e.V. and other LGBTI-groups developed the motto for Hamburg´s Gay Pride 2013: "Majority For Diversity: You´ve Got The Choice!". Due to the federal election which will take place in September 2013, the motto will place our claims on the political agenda again. The gay pride and its history In 1969 was [...]
July 27, 2013toAugust 4, 2013

Hamburg, Germany

Hamburg Pride

Members of Hamburg Pride e.V. and other LGBTI-groups developed the motto for Hamburg´s Gay Pride 2013: “Majority For Diversity: You´ve Got The Choice!”. Due to the federal election which will take place in September 2013, the motto will place our claims on the political agenda again.

The gay pride and its history

In 1969 was the first time that lesbians, homosexuals, transgender and bisexuals accomplished a systematic resistance against the discrimination and repression from the government

In 1969 after a police raid in Stonewall Inn in New York´s Greenwich Village ended up in a massive three-day protest of the gay community. Since then as a remembrance of this happening Christopher Street Day political parades take place yearly all around the world, also known as Gay Pride Parades.

Hamburg invites Hamburg Pride 2012 to the 32nd Christopher Street Day that stands under the motto „Marriage 2.0 – After the Obligations now the Rights”. Alongside the political Parade on the 4 August 2012 numerous events will take place from the 28 July in line with the Pride Week.

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