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Hampton Roads Pride 2013

[ August 10, 2013; ] Norfolk, Va Hampton Roads Pride INSTILL PRIDE, CELEBRATE UNITY and EMBRACE DIVERSITY in the Hampton Roads gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) community by creating VISIBILITY and PROMOTING FULL HUMAN and CIVIL RIGHTS through EDUCATION, CELEBRATIONS and NETWORKING. The purpose of our organization is to promote pride and knowledge of the richness and diversity of the community through [...]
August 10, 2013

Norfolk, Va

Hampton Roads Pride

INSTILL PRIDE, CELEBRATE UNITY and EMBRACE DIVERSITY in the Hampton Roads gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) community by creating VISIBILITY and PROMOTING FULL HUMAN and CIVIL RIGHTS through EDUCATION, CELEBRATIONS and NETWORKING.

The purpose of our organization is to promote pride and knowledge of the richness and diversity of the community through the organization and promotion of annual regional pride events. Hampton Roads Pride is an all-volunteer, nonprofit 501(c)3 organization.

Our mission is to educate the Hampton Roads community about Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender issues, including equal rights for the LGBT community and protecting LGBT families.

This August we will celebrate the 24th consecutive year of the Pride Festival.

Hampton Roads Pride serves the community by:

  • Providing a home for the nurture and celebration of LGBT organizations, institutions and culture.
  • Promoting strong community partnerships.
  • Increasing public affirmation of LGBT individuals through education, advocacy and outreach.
  • Issuing over $52,000 in scholarships over the past 12 years.

Hampton Roads Pride exists to empower all LGBT and allied people. It encourages them to stand as unique individuals and together as a community with creative, social, economic and influential force. The festival brings together the LGBT Community and its allies to socialize, support on another, share ideas and organize in a visible and positive environment. It also serves to educate the public about our issues, raise funds for our cause, and build trust and bonds with our supporters.

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