March 18, 2025

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Harvey Milk Day 2017

<p>Harvey Milk Day – Celebrated to honor Harvey Milk, assassinated politician, on his birthday, it is celebrated officially in California, Milk’s home state. Join thousands across the globe to honor his memory and celebrate his message of hope. Celebrate Harvey Milk’s life story, message, and legacy in celebrating globally on his birthday to give hope and […]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Harvey Milk Day 2017</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>

Harvey Milk Day – Celebrated to honor Harvey Milk, assassinated politician, on his birthday, it is celebrated officially in California, Milk’s home state. Join thousands across the globe to honor his memory and celebrate his message of hope. Celebrate Harvey Milk’s life story, message, and legacy in celebrating globally on his birthday to give hope and inspire disenfranchised communities. May 22, 2017

Harvey Milk Day 2017

Our Equality Movement across the globe will celebrate the life story, message, and legacy of my uncle Harvey Milk. Join thousands across the globe to honor his memory and celebrate his message of hope. We are asking you to celebrate Harvey Milk’s life story, message and legacy in celebrating globally on his birthday to give hope and inspire disenfranchised communities.

Harvey was a pioneer of the 20th century. His struggle and his deeds will prove to history that there’s no such thing as a gay way, there is only one way. We can make Harvey live forever by continuing to do things his way, in the deeds and in the accomplishments of our daily efforts to make our world live.


He believed broad public education and dialogue was paramount to his life’s work as a civil rights leader and with your energy we hope you will work to inspire individuals, communities, and organizations to carry on his values in a timeless vision for a better world.

Seasons of Pride is pleased to present the Gay Pride or LGBTQ Pride Calendar for 2017.  You will find Gay Pride events, LGBT Film Festivals, and the Gay Travel Events like Gay Ski Weeks. We do our best to try and keep up with all the events, but sometimes we miss one or two.

If your event is not listed, just drop us an email to

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The post Harvey Milk Day 2017 appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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