March 17, 2025

Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network – LGBTQ News And Press Release Syndication. Connecting Gay News Media Worldwide Since Nov. 2001, Over 20 Yrs Serving the Gay Community.

Help For Gay Publication Partners

For general help please visit the main help page at:

Hello New Media Partners,

I would like to welcome you to our Gay Media and Press Network. If you have any questions about how something works on the site or how to do something.. feel free to send us an email to one of the admin listed on the main page. We would be glad to help.

We request that all media partners post news to the network. This is what makes our site work. Please post any gay news content or press releases that you have available for syndication to other publications. This is a great way for you to market your publication to the world though other publications. You must follow our rules when doing so. Your content will link back to you.  Just follow the link in the top menu to post your news.  This is free to do if you have our Gay Media and Press Network news posted some where on your site.  If you do not wish to re-publish our news, you can always upgrade to a premium membership.  You will find more info on the “Submit News” page.

Do you need fresh content for your publication? We ask you to re-publish the media that we have on the network. You must follow our rules when using our content from the network. You can copy and paste the news media or use our rss feeds to add our news to your site or publication. You will find information on how to re-publish our news and use our media from the network in the top menu under the “Syndication” link.

Groups: You will find a list of groups on our home page. You will also find a link to them under the “Members” tab. Please look over our groups and join any that interest you. This is an area where our members can interact with like professionals. If there is any group that you would like to host and kind of run.. let us know. We would be glad to let you take a more active role with the network.

Lastly, please take a second to personalize your “Profile Page”.  You can update or change any of your profile information from your “My Account” page.  You will find edit links in the top of the site.  You can add your logo in the advert area. It will also show up on your page and in your post.

Once again.. thank you for partnering with We look forward to working with you.

Jeffrey ( Check Us Out For Web Hosting)



Use the area below to ask “how to questions”.  Maybe another member will have your answer.  This is a user based help center.

New Members: If You Just Created A New Account, Please Upload A Logo or A Photo To Represent You or Your Publication. All new accounts must have an avatar pic. We will not approve your account until your profile has been competed. You will not have full access of the site until your account is approved. We require this to help keep out spam accounts. To edit your profile, click on your name in the top right corner of the site and follow the profile links. If Your Account Has Been Recently Migrated Please Click = > Here.

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