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Highlights On Tonight’s Big Brother Day 11

<p>Catch up with all the latest from Big Brother on Day 11</p> <p>by Newsdesk | 16th June 2014</p><p></p><p> </p><p><img src="" width="461" height="259" alt="Big Brother " title="Big Brother "/></p> <p></p><p></p><p>• The Housemates are woken up by Pauline’s morning exercise regime. Mark comments, “How did people sleep through that, like?” while Jale walks off singing, “It’s all about you…”</p><p></p><p>• Mark tells Ash that Pauline has “gone fuc*ing nuts! …she’s lost the fuc*ing plot! Today, she’s going to snap like a twig”</p><p></p><p>• Toya talks to Pauline and Helen about Jale saying, “I’ve made the decision that I’m not going to acknowledge her” Helen adds that “in certain situations, you’re going to have to be fake!” </p><p></p><p>• Matthew talks to Big Brother about the Housemate’s behaviour, commenting that “People are going crazy in this House… people assume that it’s either Jale or Chris avenging on Jale’s behalf…people need to stop taking things so personally” </p><p></p><p>• Ash and Marlon observe that none of the female Housemates are interested in guys </p><p></p><p>• Mark speaks to Big Brother and notes that the Power Housemate “must be having a tough time…the paranoia’s there because we don’t know who to trust”</p><p></p><p>• Jale discusses being ignored in the House with Danielle and Kimberly saying, “Obviously it’s blo*dy awkward, but I can handle it” Kimberly adds, “nobody wants you to have a bad experience…they just want to make sure that they have a good experience”</p><p></p><p>• Steven and Christopher discuss their nominations. Steven says, “I trust the British public…this week there are three big characters up….and that’s you, Pauline and myself. There’s one person, in my opinion, that cannot offer the same contribution…I trust the public will see that and I trust that they will vote her out”</p><p></p><p>• Secret Power Housemate Chris is called to the Control Room where Iris informs him that he must make another nomination. Chris shortlists two Housemates for nomination – Ash and Kimberly. Iris then informs Chris that a public poll will reveal who is his biggest threat in the House. </p><p></p><p>• Big Brother informs the Housemates that Ash, Chris and Kimberly have been chosen to enjoy a Chinese meal. This is to give secret Power Housemate Chris the chance to decide who he wants to nominate. Helen says, “I don’t like Chinese, so I’m not ar*ed” </p><p></p><p>• Ash speculates who the Power Housemate could be, telling Chris and Kimberly that “it’s either one of you two…or it’s Jale. She’s one of the only ones that could nominate Pauline…” </p><p></p><p>• Mark reads tea leaves for Toya and Ashleigh and believes that Marlon is the Power Housemate </p><p></p><p>• Kimberly speaks to Marlon about his “degrading” comments while she was exercising </p><p></p><p>• Chris is told by Iris that Ash is his biggest threat in the House. After seeing some clips from Ash and Kimberly’s Diary Room to help him make his decision, Chris nominates Ash for eviction saying, “If you put his personality into a short, unattractive man’s body, what would he have done with his life so far other than be a super stand up guy… Doesn’t interest me….All of the big ones are down now…” </p><p></p><p>• Mark and Pauline argue in the kitchen with Mark saying, “You’ve actually just patronised me by doing that…you know I don’t cook, I’m just trying to help. I’m never fuc*ing cooking another thing in here again. I only asked a simple fuc*ing question….tw*t”</p><p></p><p>• Marlon and Danielle comfort Mark who says “I hate people speaking to me like I’m thick as pig sh*t...” </p><p></p><p>• During a party for the Housemates, it is revealed that Ash is nominated for eviction with Toya exclaiming, “I am in absolute shock! That makes no sense to me…I need to sit down” Ash tells Chris, “I don’t get down but I’m gutted” </p><p></p><p>• Chris discusses nominations with Danielle, speculating who the Power Housemate is, noting that “Christopher didn’t get half the attention when he was nominated…where was his crowd? Where was his support group?”</p><p></p><p>• Helen refers to Jale as a “slug” and accuses her of listening into her conversation. Kimberly tells Helen, “You can’t just say that in front of Jale”</p><p></p><p>• Jale and Toya speak about Helen and Toya suggests Jale speaks to Helen</p><p></p><p></p><p>Big Brother contiunes today at 10;00PM on Channel 5</p><p></p><p> </p>

Catch up with all the latest from Big Brother on Day 11

by Newsdesk | 16th June 2014

Big Brother

• The Housemates are woken up by Pauline’s morning exercise regime. Mark comments, “How did people sleep through that, like?” while Jale walks off singing, “It’s all about you…”

• Mark tells Ash that Pauline has “gone fuc*ing nuts! …she’s lost the fuc*ing plot! Today, she’s going to snap like a twig”

• Toya talks to Pauline and Helen about Jale saying, “I’ve made the decision that I’m not going to acknowledge her” Helen adds that “in certain situations, you’re going to have to be fake!”

• Matthew talks to Big Brother about the Housemate’s behaviour, commenting that “People are going crazy in this House… people assume that it’s either Jale or Chris avenging on Jale’s behalf…people need to stop taking things so personally”

• Ash and Marlon observe that none of the female Housemates are interested in guys

• Mark speaks to Big Brother and notes that the Power Housemate “must be having a tough time…the paranoia’s there because we don’t know who to trust”

• Jale discusses being ignored in the House with Danielle and Kimberly saying, “Obviously it’s blo*dy awkward, but I can handle it” Kimberly adds, “nobody wants you to have a bad experience…they just want to make sure that they have a good experience”

• Steven and Christopher discuss their nominations. Steven says, “I trust the British public…this week there are three big characters up….and that’s you, Pauline and myself. There’s one person, in my opinion, that cannot offer the same contribution…I trust the public will see that and I trust that they will vote her out”

• Secret Power Housemate Chris is called to the Control Room where Iris informs him that he must make another nomination. Chris shortlists two Housemates for nomination – Ash and Kimberly. Iris then informs Chris that a public poll will reveal who is his biggest threat in the House.

• Big Brother informs the Housemates that Ash, Chris and Kimberly have been chosen to enjoy a Chinese meal. This is to give secret Power Housemate Chris the chance to decide who he wants to nominate. Helen says, “I don’t like Chinese, so I’m not ar*ed”

• Ash speculates who the Power Housemate could be, telling Chris and Kimberly that “it’s either one of you two…or it’s Jale. She’s one of the only ones that could nominate Pauline…”

• Mark reads tea leaves for Toya and Ashleigh and believes that Marlon is the Power Housemate

• Kimberly speaks to Marlon about his “degrading” comments while she was exercising

• Chris is told by Iris that Ash is his biggest threat in the House. After seeing some clips from Ash and Kimberly’s Diary Room to help him make his decision, Chris nominates Ash for eviction saying, “If you put his personality into a short, unattractive man’s body, what would he have done with his life so far other than be a super stand up guy… Doesn’t interest me….All of the big ones are down now…”

• Mark and Pauline argue in the kitchen with Mark saying, “You’ve actually just patronised me by doing that…you know I don’t cook, I’m just trying to help. I’m never fuc*ing cooking another thing in here again. I only asked a simple fuc*ing question….tw*t”

• Marlon and Danielle comfort Mark who says “I hate people speaking to me like I’m thick as pig sh*t...”

• During a party for the Housemates, it is revealed that Ash is nominated for eviction with Toya exclaiming, “I am in absolute shock! That makes no sense to me…I need to sit down” Ash tells Chris, “I don’t get down but I’m gutted”

• Chris discusses nominations with Danielle, speculating who the Power Housemate is, noting that “Christopher didn’t get half the attention when he was nominated…where was his crowd? Where was his support group?”

• Helen refers to Jale as a “slug” and accuses her of listening into her conversation. Kimberly tells Helen, “You can’t just say that in front of Jale”

• Jale and Toya speak about Helen and Toya suggests Jale speaks to Helen

Big Brother contiunes today at 10;00PM on Channel 5

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