March 17, 2025

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Housing Coordinator Openhouse

<p>Openhouse – San Francisco, CA<br /> The Housing Coordinator is responsible for reaching out to, identifying and supporting LGBT seniors to find and apply for affordable housing opportunities, complete applications for open waitlists, and to offer general housing support and follow-up. The position is part time (20 hours per week) and reports to the Director of Programs. [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Housing Coordinator Openhouse</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>

OpenhouseSan Francisco, CA

The Housing Coordinator is responsible for reaching out to, identifying and supporting LGBT seniors to find and apply for affordable housing opportunities, complete applications for open waitlists, and to offer general housing support and follow-up. The position is part time (20 hours per week) and reports to the Director of Programs. The Housing Coordinator works in collaboration with the Openhouse Information and Assistance (I & A) Specialist, Case Manager and social services team.

Housing Coordinator Openhouse

Housing Coordinator Openhouse


  1. Intake Process
  • Receive and respond to calls from LGBT seniors and their caregivers seeking housing.
  • Ensure completion of intake forms for each client.
  • Manage data collected from intakes and housing follow-up calls.
  1. Housing Workshops and Individual Follow-up
  • Collaborate with the Openhouse I & A Specialist to present weekly housing workshops where participants will review the screening criteria for applying for affordable housing including: income eligibility, availability of security deposit, credit check and criminal background check.
  • Motivate LGBT seniors to apply for housing rental opportunities through individual follow-up meetings and phone calls.
  1. Assistance and Monitoring
  • Assist client with completing housing applications, forms and other documentation related to accessing housing opportunities.
  • Conduct regular check-in calls with clients to ensure housing applications have been submitted and whether referrals have been utilized.
  • Follow-up with client to monitor progress in their housing search.
  • Collaborate with Openhouse I & A Specialist to refer clients to appropriate services.
  • Enter data on status of client search in reporting systems.
  1. Community Outreach and Relationship Development
  • Promote Housing Assistance Program to the LGBT community and community partner organizations.
  • Organize monthly “drop-in” days to assist LGBT seniors where they currently access services—e.g., Castro Senior Center, the LGBT Center, AIDS Housing Alliance, Project Open Hand, etc.
  • Develop relationships and cultivate collaborations with staff in organizations providing housing, health, HIV and social services which serve seniors in order to build service referral and housing placement networks.
  1. Other Duties as Assigned


Knowledge of and experience with San Francisco’s senior housing system. Knowledge, sensitivity and understanding of issues related to LGBT aging. Knowledge of Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development programs, Ellis Act, Public Authority, tenants’ rights, HIV/HOPWA, eviction, Shelter Care, Direct Access to Housing, and other housing resources.

Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills relating to housing counseling to seniors, adults with disabilities, their caregivers, families, families of choice and health professionals. Instructional skills to present information in Openhouse housing workshops and community outreach events. Organizational skills to document and track contacts made with community members. Collaboration skills to maintain and foster relationships with property managers in senior housing, landlords, developers, community-based organizations, and other stakeholders. Proficient with Microsoft Office suite of products (Word, Excel, Outlook) and the ability to quickly learn software programs and online databases and tools. Good problem-solving skills and the ability to prioritize multiple tasks. Excellent time management skills. Community development/organizing skills highly valued.

Ability to identify appropriate senior housing options for community members. Ability to work within an interdisciplinary team. Ability to receive and integrate. Ability to develop relationships and maintain them through cooperative interaction. Ability to act with patience, tact and courtesy in interactions with senior community members, their families, staff and organizational partners under demanding and difficult conditions.

PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS REQUIRED: Physical skills and ability to perform work that requires sitting, walking, stooping, bending and lifting up to 35 pounds.

QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor’s Degree plus experience working with older adult populations, social work, program coordination, or related experience.

TO APPLY: E-mail cover letter and resume to No phone calls please.

Openhouse is an equal opportunity employer. Women, people of color, transgender people and people with disabilities encouraged to apply.

Openhouse was founded in 1998 to enable lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) seniors to overcome the unique challenges they face as they age by providing LGBT-welcoming housing, high-impact direct services, and innovative community programs. As a result, Openhouse reduces isolation and empowers LGBT seniors to improve their overall health, well-being, and economic security.

The post Housing Coordinator Openhouse appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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