March 22, 2025

Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network – LGBTQ News And Press Release Syndication. Connecting Gay News Media Worldwide Since Nov. 2001, Over 20 Yrs Serving the Gay Community.

INTERVIEW – Amplifying Gravity: Two Powerful Forces in the Queer Underground Music Scene Unite in Song About Overcoming Addiction and Depression

Multi-talented out musicians Zach Adam and Adam Joseph are uniting on their first single and fans will not be able to escape their "Gravity." Written by the powerhouse duo and produced by Zach, "Gravity" is a soaring pop track abou...

Multi-talented out musicians Zach Adam and Adam Joseph are uniting on their first single and fans will not be able to escape their "Gravity." Written by the powerhouse duo and produced by Zach, "Gravity" is a soaring pop track about yearning to overcome addiction and depression. It features Adam Joseph’s soulful tenor vocals over lush synths, sweeping choruses and intense percussion. It is the first release from Zach Adam’s new LGBTQ music label, Magic Town Media, as well as the first single from his upcoming album, and the remix package features incredible dance versions by DJ Pacifico, GSP, Max Grandon, Melodika, Angelino Loren, Pumpkin Spice, Thiago and Adam Joseph.

GC: How did you guys come together on "Gravity"?

Zach Adam: Adam and I have been collaborating for years as songwriters.

Adam Joseph: We started writing together when I was still living in NYC. We’ve had songs recorded by other artists. "Gravity"...

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