March 27, 2025

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INTERVIEW – Laughing Our Heads Off with Kathy Griffin: Our favourite comic makes Calgary debut

"What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger." It’s a saying that has been used to describe overcoming odds. If anyone can identify with that saying it’s Kathy Griffin. A year ago, a photo of Griffin posing with a model of a decapitated head of...
Kathy Griffin

"What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger."

It’s a saying that has been used to describe overcoming odds. If anyone can identify with that saying it’s Kathy Griffin. A year ago, a photo of Griffin posing with a model of a decapitated head of Donald Trump went viral for all the wrongs reasons. The backlash was swift – fired from her New Years Eve hosting gig by CNN, shows rapidly being cancelled, an FBI Investigation. It’s been a challenging year for the comic, and one that could be the end of a career for many. You can’t keep a good D-lister down, and Griffin is back on the road with a tour that brings her to Calgary May 31st and Vancouver June 2nd.

"That Trump Ketchup and Mask photo scandal happened on May 30th. I’m actually very excited to be in Canada for what I'm going to call the year anniversary. Oh do you want to hear something juicy do you want to know who was at my house that night? I just happened to have planned a dinner at my house with Kris Jenner and Melanie Griffith of all people! We had planned it for like a month and then the picture scandal sort of blew up and I thought you know what these two bitches have been through some shit so they're going to be the perfect women to come and have dinner with. It was quite a day you know," Griffin told "I had no idea the picture was going to cause such a sensation, but I thought if anyone can parachute me out of here it's Kris Jenner. I wish she would have just made me a member the family and I could have dyed my eyebrows darker and my hair darker just to be in hiding for a while. You know, like Kylie."

While facing challenges at home, Griffin took her act on the road to Europe, where she played to enthusiastic audiences that also look at the US Government and shake their heads. She is looking forward to the same reception from Canadian audiences.

"I love that people get it in Canada, honestly it's kind of night and day. I talk about the whole thing. I even read a death threat on stage and I know that sounds kind of dark but after a while you just have to fucking laugh because it gets so crazy. Some of the death threats, I say this with caution, they kind of made me laugh and I'll tell...

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