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Interview: Sam Callahan

We sit down with one of pop's most eligible contenders for the next big thing. Meet Sam Callahan, who isn't afraid of getting naked or walking across hot coals to be remembered. Remember his name... by Jake Simpson | 25th June 2013 So tell us a litt...

We sit down with one of pop's most eligible contenders for the next big thing. Meet Sam Callahan, who isn't afraid of getting naked or walking across hot coals to be remembered. Remember his name...

by Jake Simpson | 25th June 2013


So tell us a little bit about why you're going Crazy for Crazy?

Haha, that's what I tell my audiences when I sing it live! "Go crazy, for Crazy!"

Well I wanted this single to really go places and make people stop what they're doing and listen!

So I needed to do some sort of promotional Campaign for it, so that we get the biggest and best reaction possible.

We called it the 'Crazy Campaign' for obvious reasons and then thought it's should be 'Crazy' like the title implies! I've always been a bit of an adrenaline junky at heart, so I figured I could go that extra mile! At first we chose 20 Crazy stunts for May but as the month was approaching fast more and more gigs and events where filling up my schedule and the most we could possibly fit in was 15, and that was gonna be a major push! Most of the things I've done, I've loved! How many of us can say that we've completed our bucket list by the age of 19 anyway?

So you're going skinny dipping... Are you afraid the water will be cold?


I still don't know who's going to film it yet and I want to do myself justice if you get what i mean, especially if it's anyone who might take my fancy!

It should be fun! But with the weather we've been having recently, I'm hoping no Callafans will work out where or when it is and attend because I don't want any false rumours do I now!?

So you're not adverse to a bit of public nudity? We like that in a guy!

What's your craziest fan experience?

Aw, good question! There has defiantly been a few major ones, so it's a close call! Here's a couple of examples, I get some rude private messages from fans every now and then which doesn't phase me but yesterday a fan screamed something very loud and very blunt at me and it was just at that awkward moment that everyone has experienced where everyone else around you goes silent! I just replied with, "Erm, thank you, ok!" and smiled! Then someone once grabbed my cheeky bits when I was performing and went and stood on the barrier that the audience stands behind, that was a shocker! Oh and the crying with happiness never gets old! It's amazing to know that you can make someone so happy that they cry just by meeting them. I'm always very careful to check I haven't upset them first though! So far I'm in the clear with that one!


Your perfect date would be?

One with someone who is not awkward to be around and who you have good chemistry and banter with. Who you can take to meet the family but has enough about them to be able to let their hair down when the time is right! I don't like first dates at the cinema because you go away knowing nothing more about the person who you spent the evening with than you did when you got there!

I like something different, it can be simple but if it's the other person who suggests the date it has to make me think, 'Oooh, that's cool! I didn't expect that!'... I like surprises!

Are you an inny or an outty?

Inny! Simples. Fun fact for you though, I was born with my umbilical chord wrapped round my neck, blue and suffocating! Everyone says this explains a lot!

What's the first thing you do in the morning?

Check my phone, on a normal night to see who's texted or called me and check the time, I can't get up without knowing the time! After a night out though, I check it to see who I texted and called and what damage was done, also then I have to check the wallet!

Nights in or nights out?

Both, I like to go wild every now and then, but I am a sucker for watching a good film under a duvet! I love going out, but I like to wait ages then have that one BIG night out and then do it again in a while rather than make a regular thing of going out and either getting bored of it or just having lots of average nights, you know?

Legs or chests?

I do 3 days of chest at the gym and 2 of legs! ;)

Kylie or Madonna?


Watch a movie / Make a movie?

Watch a movie. I used to do a lot of acting when I went to The Sylvia Young Theatre School in London but I reckon those days are over. I have a very hectic life style to it's nice to chill with a movie anyway!

What's one thing people are surprised to learn about you?

I once played 'Kurt Vontrap' in Andrew Lloyd Webber's production of The Sound Of Music in the West End.


When's the album and single out?

The single 'CRAZY' is out at the end of June/Beginning of July. Date TBC and the album is still being written and recorded, no plans to release that any time very soon!

Describe it in 4 words...

Fresh, summer, catchy, love song ...

Thanks for having me! :D Sam.x

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