March 27, 2025

Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network – LGBTQ News And Press Release Syndication. Connecting Gay News Media Worldwide Since Nov. 2001, Over 20 Yrs Serving the Gay Community.

Introducing BOLD, a Sephora Canada class exclusive to the transgender community

Looking and feeling your best helps you live more confidently. For that reason, Sephora developed Classes for Confidence to help inspire fearlessness in those facing major life transitions. Classes for Confidence include three main categories, BOLD for...
Looking and feeling your best helps you live more confidently. For that reason, Sephora developed Classes for Confidence to help inspire fearlessness in those facing major life transitions. Classes for Confidence include three main categories, BOLD for the transgender community, Workforce for women in transitioning life moments, and BRAVE for clients facing cancer and chemo. With a BOLD mission to Teach, Inspire and Play, Sephora Canada is introducing "Bold Beauty for the Transgender Community," a 90-minute complimentary in-store offering for clients who identify as transgender or non-binary. The class will provide tips to help clients feel beautiful and confident as they face new life experiences. BOLD will teach clients going through major life transitions how to: Colour correct...

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