December 22, 2024

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Ireland’s LGBT Helpline searching for volunteers

<img width="620" height="266" src="" alt="LGBT Helpline"/>They are currently recruiting for their helpline centres in Dublin and Dundalk.
LGBT Helpline

Their next round of volunteer training will commence in Dublin and Dundalk at the end of January 2015. In advance of training an information evening about volunteering with the helpline will take place on Tuesday 13th January 2015, in Outhouse, 105 Capel Street, Dublin 1.

Training will run over 4 weeks and dates for both locations will be confirmed in the coming week but is likely to commence in Dublin on Saturday 31st January 2015 and Dundalk on 7th February 2015:

All applicants will be asked to attend for a short interview and volunteers must attend all training dates. The LGBT Helpline only takes volunteers who identify as LGBT.

Once trained LGBT Helpline volunteers are required to contribute a minimum of five hours service per month for at least one year. E-mail them today at if you would like to apply to become a volunteer with the LGBT Helpline. They look forward to hearing from you.

The National LGBT Helpline depends on volunteers for it’s success. Volunteers are trained to the National LGBT Helpline standards and being a volunteer is a very rewarding experience. Please note that they do not offer email support. If you are looking for support information or would like to know where you can get help see the Get Support and Get Information sections of their website or call the LGBT Helpline on 1890 929 539.

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