December 26, 2024

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ISIS Continues Its Barbarism Towards Gay People

ISIS have executed two more men they have accused of being gay. CONTENT WARNING: Contains images some may find distressingRead more ... So-called Islamic State have claimed the lives of more two men accused of being gay in the Iraqi ISIS strong hold i...

ISIS have executed two more men they have accused of being gay.

CONTENT WARNING: Contains images some may find distressing

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So-called Islamic State have claimed the lives of more two men accused of being gay in the Iraqi ISIS strong hold in Fallujah. In 2015 ISIS have stepped up their executions of men accused of gay with numerous executions reported since January.

ALSO READ: Will gay couples be allowed to stay in London's Sharia Hotel?

The bloodiest attack against gay people was in September when fighters murdered 9 men and one 15-year-old boy.

The latest pictures show two young men being thrown to their deaths in front of a gathered crowd. Before being pushed the charges of homosexuality, which is against Sharia law, were read out to them and the spectators.

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