March 15, 2025

Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network – LGBTQ News And Press Release Syndication. Connecting Gay News Media Worldwide Since Nov. 2001, Over 20 Yrs Serving the Gay Community.

It Gets Better, Leading LGBTQ+ Youth Empowerment Org, Unveils New Name and Relaunched Website

The new will serve as a hub for LGBTQ+ and questioning youth, providing support through media and educational resources, community connections It Gets Better (formerly known as the It Gets Better Project) the world's largest effort to ...
The new will serve as a hub for LGBTQ+ and questioning youth, providing support through media and educational resources, community connections It Gets Better (formerly known as the It Gets Better Project) the world's largest effort to empower LGBTQ+ youth, today formally announced its new name change and unveiled a redesigned and rebranded website. The new will serve as a hub for LGBTQ+ and questioning youth, encouraging them to explore and define their own journey at their own pace in the comfort of community. The website also advances It Gets Better's role as a proactive prevention service, offering support to LGBTQ+ youth through media and educational resources before they are in crisis. The website includes several new or redesigned resources and features specifically designed for LGBTQ+ youth, including: ·       An extensive LGBTQ+ glossary, providing a robust...

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