March 17, 2025

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IVYQ 2017 Creating Queer Futures

<p>IVYQ – IvyQ dares to imagine a radically inclusive and explorative queer community beyond binaries and the LGB. We want to create interactive, educational, and individual-centered spaces where members can engage with speakers, activists, and each other to explore under-analyzed pieces of the self, others, and unrepresented queer communities. IvyQ is intent on making this conference […]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">IVYQ 2017 Creating Queer Futures</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>

IVYQ – IvyQ dares to imagine a radically inclusive and explorative queer community beyond binaries and the LGB. We want to create interactive, educational, and individual-centered spaces where members can engage with speakers, activists, and each other to explore under-analyzed pieces of the self, others, and unrepresented queer communities. IvyQ is intent on making this conference an immersive social experience, full of hype, that is accessible to everyone. Financial aid for fees and transportation is available upon request. Yale Univesity, New Haven, CT; Nov 2-5, 2017

IVYQ 2017 Creating Queer Futures

In the midst of national political turmoil and direct attacks on all marginalized groups across the country, the goal of the IvyQ Yale conference is to resist through the act of community-building and education.

The theme of the conference is “Creating Queer Futures,” and it represents both an envisioning of what our radical future entails beyond contemporary politics, as well as a demand for direct and immediate action to forge our own path against the tides of oppression and discrimination. Additionally, this conference recognizes that self-care of the oppressed is a radical act, in the words of Audre Lorde, and that by uniting as a community and cherishing ourselves, we have already begun the fight.

At IvyQ Yale, we strive to create a radically inclusive environment in which every participant can find their place and thrive, by centering issues too often sidelined in our community such as intersectional feminism, indigeneity, socioeconomic class, and much more. Join us as we refuse to be silent and celebrate queerness in all of its forms.

Seasons of Pride is pleased to present the Gay Pride or LGBTQ Pride Calendar for 2017.  You will find Gay Pride events, LGBT Film Festivals, and the Gay Travel Events like Gay Ski Weeks. We do our best to try and keep up with all the events, but sometimes we miss one or two.

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IVYQ 2017 Creating Queer Futures

The post IVYQ 2017 Creating Queer Futures appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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