December 30, 2024

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Jamie Dornan Shows Off His Ass..ets In Naked 50 Shades Photo

Judging by this naked picture of Jamie Dornan has been working on his Gluteal muscles... by Newsdesk | 24th July 2014 So the 50 Shades Of Grey trailer was released earlier today, but what caught our eye was this little photo which the actor Jamie Dorn...

Judging by this naked picture of Jamie Dornan has been working on his Gluteal muscles...

by Newsdesk | 24th July 2014

So the 50 Shades Of Grey trailer was released earlier today, but what caught our eye was this little photo which the actor Jamie Dornan shared on his Instagram - showing off his best side.

Now we know it's a dark photo, but to be honest, we've got a good imagination - plus who cares he's naked in the picture that must mean he gets naked in the movie. Roll on 2015.

Earlier in the year Jamie complained that he didn't like his body saying that he was too skinny and he's 'awkward in a suit'. Judging by the picture we'd suggest the only suit he'd need is his Birthday suit.

Ok - we're going to take a cold shower now.

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