For more than a year, the Covid-19 pandemic has created challenges to organizers of indoor/outdoor events around the world. Lots of events either have been cancelled completely or gone to an online format. Destination prides, like Jasper Pride where tourists and locals come together to celebrate pride are a challenge to put together with travel restrictions, social distancing, and other Covid-19 restrictions in place. Though, Jasper Pride has always been a shining example for showing how a whole town can come together for Pride and they have figured out how to bring people together while working with Covid -19 restrictions in place keeping locals and visitors safe. We checked in with Jasper Pride organizers to see how everything is coming together for this year’s event.
GayCalgary: What Covid-19 restrictions are in place for Jasper for both travelers and locals if they are coming to celebrate Jasper Pride 2021?
Jasper Pride: We promoted for visitors to Jasper to follow guidance for travelers ( ), and encouraged the public - visiting and local - to follow restrictions in place by the Alberta Government. For those able to travel to Jasper, we listed covid protocols for each hotel and accommodation provide on our hotel deals page.
GC: What events will Jasper Pride be able to still have with those restrictions in place and what common ones like the Dances will not...
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