March 28, 2025

Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network – LGBTQ News And Press Release Syndication. Connecting Gay News Media Worldwide Since Nov. 2001, Over 20 Yrs Serving the Gay Community.

Jump Start Your Job Search San Francisco

<p>San Francisco, CA – LGBT Center<br /> It is hard to believe that Fall is fast approaching. This is a perfect time of year to refocus your job search and expand your network. That is why we are hosting a series of events/workshops in September/October to help get you in front of employers committed to LGBT hiring.<br /> Despite [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Jump Start Your Job Search San Francisco</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>

San Francisco, CA – LGBT Center

It is hard to believe that Fall is fast approaching. This is a perfect time of year to refocus your job search and expand your network. That is why we are hosting a series of events/workshops in September/October to help get you in front of employers committed to LGBT hiring.

Despite the decline in the national jobs report in August, we are still seeing many of our active candidates getting strong job offers and exciting interviews with leading Bay Area employers. We have developed a series of services and events to help you standout, shine, and increase your transferable skills in our current competitive job market.

Jump Start Your Job Search San FranciscoJump Start Your Job Search San Francisco

Here are some highlights:

  • LGBTQ Hot Jobs – hundreds of new jobs every month!
  • Work-It! – Starts Wed. 9/10
  • Mentoring Mixer with Mike Denison – 9/11
  • TranscodeSF Speaker Night – 9/24
  • LGBTQ Economic Justice Week  10/19 -10/25

Hot Jobs Employment Services

If you’re like to continue receiving our weekly Hot Jobs Newsletter, please re-register with your Employment Specialist!

Book an appointment here!

TEEI SF Presents: Work-It! 

This week marks the beginning of Work-It!, TEEI’s premier Life Skills and Professional Development Workshop Series for our Trans* and Gender Non-Conforming community members. Work-It! Begins Wednesday, 9/10 2014, but it isn’t too late to register and be part of this wonderful program.

To Register for Work-It! please click HERE or e-mail (Subject line: Work-It! Registration)

LGBQI Peer Mentoring Mixer

Thursday, September 11

We invite you to join us this Thursday @ 6pm for our monthly Trans* & LGBQI Peer Mentoring Mixer! This month we are bringing in Mike Denison (@contentbymike) who will be sharing networking strategies using social media. We hope you will join us for an evening of food, community, and networking! Registration is preferred, but not mandatory!

LGBTQ Economic Justice Week

October 19th-25th

We are in the midst of planning our annual Bicoastal LGBTQ Economic Justice Week (EJW) and LGBTQ Career Fair, the week of October 19 -25, 2014. We hope you save the date and join us as a community partner, panelist, or attendee for this exciting week.

In addition to our Fall Career Fair, this year is we are expanding our program to include a Community Town Hall: Why is Economic Justice an LGBTQ Issue? The public forum will address the social and economic justice issues impacting San Francisco residents and LGBTQ communities nationally.

It’s not too early to start the conversation! Share why you think economic justice is an LGBTQ issue using the hashtag #LGBTEconomicEmpowerment #beyondsurvivalSF

For a complete list of our EJW events and workshops please visit our calendar at

To Register for Economic Justice Week, Click HERE!

Join us on Meetup! 

Do you want more leads with the companies you are applying with?

If yes, join our LGBTQ Career Network on Meetup and build back a professional network that will get you back to work.

Also, stay on top of your job search by joining one of weekly events and our personalized & free one-on-one career coachingsessions. All registered members have access to hundreds of LGBTQ friendly jobs a week.

The Center’s LGBT Employment Services Programs offers a range of services, events, and workshops tailored to help you get back to work and connected to further training. Including one-on-one job search support, vocational case management, professional mentoring, life skills training, skill building workshops, resume review, interview practice, job leads, access to LGBT friendly employers, LGBT Career Fairs, and referrals to community resources & vocational training programs. We are also proud to offer the nation’s first Transgender Employment Program (TEEI).

Get back to work today!

Jump Start Your Job Search San Francisco

The post Jump Start Your Job Search San Francisco appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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