December 26, 2024

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Justin Bieber Turns Up On Posing Site Popular With The Gay Community

Now, it has to be said we like to hang out on some sites more than others, is one of those websites. by Newsdesk | 29th July 2014 So it comes as a little bit of a surprise to find none other than bad boy of pop himself Justin Bie...

Now, it has to be said we like to hang out on some sites more than others, is one of those websites.

by Newsdesk | 29th July 2014

So it comes as a little bit of a surprise to find none other than bad boy of pop himself Justin Bieber, showing off his bod, on a wesbite that is a popular posing site for the gay community.

GuysWithiPhones has long had a history of celebrities turning up and showing their bits n' pieces, but we think that JB is probably the most famous.

In the past Perez Hilton, Ben Patrick Johnson, Michael Stripe and Mika have all turned up on the site.

We can't confirm whether the pictures are verified and uploaded by the singer himself, but we're enjoying them regardless!

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