March 24, 2025

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Katie Hopkins And Michelle Visage Becoming Bossom Buddies

<p>Katie Hopkins and Michelle Visage seem to be getting on very well, as Visage says she was instantly drawn to the former Apprentice star.</p> <p> </p><p><img src="" width="460" height="259" alt="Channel 5" title="Channel 5"/></p> <p><a href="">Katie Hopkins</a> has never been shy about wanting to be a gay icon and well, she's appears to be learning from one of the best in the form of <a href="">Michelle Visage</a>.</p><p></p><p>Talking to Big Brother, Michelle says, she is surprised who she has connected with in the house and says that Katie Hopkins is the biggest surprise. She says that they ‘were instantly drawn to each other’ and that they have the same sense of humour and that they are ‘so similar in so many ways’.</p><p> </p><p><img src="" width="460" height="259" alt="Channel 4" title="Channel 4"/></p> <p>LET MUMMA SHOW YOU HOW IT'S DONE: The pair joke around has Michelle shows Katie Hopkins how to present. Michelle Visage, who is currently a judge on RuPaul's drag race is the queen of style and presentation.</p><p></p><p>The pair have also bonded over their dislike for Perez Hilton, who <a href="">Visage has called out numerous times for setting back the gay community fifty years.</a> During yesterday's debate task Perez called Katie Hopkins homophobic, which caused Katie to explode, screaming "don't ever call me homophobic, that's the one thing I'm not.." and Michelle criticised Perez for his use of the word.</p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p>

Katie Hopkins and Michelle Visage seem to be getting on very well, as Visage says she was instantly drawn to the former Apprentice star.

Channel 5

Katie Hopkins has never been shy about wanting to be a gay icon and well, she's appears to be learning from one of the best in the form of Michelle Visage.

Talking to Big Brother, Michelle says, she is surprised who she has connected with in the house and says that Katie Hopkins is the biggest surprise. She says that they ‘were instantly drawn to each other’ and that they have the same sense of humour and that they are ‘so similar in so many ways’.

Channel 4

LET MUMMA SHOW YOU HOW IT'S DONE: The pair joke around has Michelle shows Katie Hopkins how to present. Michelle Visage, who is currently a judge on RuPaul's drag race is the queen of style and presentation.

The pair have also bonded over their dislike for Perez Hilton, who Visage has called out numerous times for setting back the gay community fifty years. During yesterday's debate task Perez called Katie Hopkins homophobic, which caused Katie to explode, screaming "don't ever call me homophobic, that's the one thing I'm not.." and Michelle criticised Perez for his use of the word.

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