December 26, 2024

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LADY GAGA: Warns About Communications Over The Internet

It seems as though Mother Monster, Lady Gaga, is a firm believer in Astrology as she Tweets a warning about communications over the internet. by Newsdesk | 10th November 2013 Applause singer took to Twitter today to let her followers know you'll not b...

It seems as though Mother Monster, Lady Gaga, is a firm believer in Astrology as she Tweets a warning about communications over the internet.

by Newsdesk | 10th November 2013

Lady Gaga | Twitter

Applause singer took to Twitter today to let her followers know you'll not be able to 'side-step the consequences of the things you say on the internet'

She contined:

'Today is a VERY important day for the 'resetting' of communication. Protect your karma, spread love, and THINK before you tweet.

'Be compassionate to those around you who experience consequences for their 2013 communicative choices TODAY, its kingdom come. #ARTPOP2NIGHT

Quite! Mystic Meg eat your heart out...

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