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LGBTQ Youth Conferences

<p>Youth Conferences bring together thousands of openly LGBT youth to build leadership capacity among LGBTQ youths to create safer and more inclusive communities. Is your event not listed?  Send us an email Bear | Business | Career| Conferences | Europe | Film | Leather | Lesbian | Trans Jan – Feb – MBLGTACC – The Midwest Bisexual, Lesbian,<a href="">[...]</a></p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">LGBTQ Youth Conferences</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>

Youth Conferences bring together thousands of openly LGBT youth to build leadership capacity among LGBTQ youths to create safer and more inclusive communities.

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LGBTQ Youth Conferences

Camp Pride, Campus Pride

Jan –

Feb –

  • MBLGTACC – The Midwest Bisexual, Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, and Ally College Conference (MBLGTACC) is an annual LGBTQ three-day conference hosted by Midwestern colleges and universities in the following states: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Created in 1993, MBLGTACC includes a variety of workshops, activities, speakers, and entertainment that touch on issues affecting the lives of LGBTQ+ people. MBLGTACC serves as a space for all LGBTQ+ people as well as allies. Everyone is encouraged to attend, even students who do not hail from the Midwest. Chicago, IL; Feb 17-19, 2017
  • Georgia GSA Youth Summit – The 2017 Georgia GSA/LGBTQ+ Youth Summit is a time to meet youth from around the state to be encouraged, inspired, and motivated for action.  It will run from 9:00-6:15, and will offer education, entertainment, breakout sessions, advocacy, and new friendships.  Decatur, GA; Feb 18, 2017
  • Asterisk Trans* Conference – a college conference to build community for trans* people and allies, to address trans* health and well-being, and to provide education and resources for trans* youth advocates. Riverside, CA; Feb 24-25, 2017

Mar –

  • Out to Innovate – National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals presents “Out to Innovate™ 2017”, a two-day career summit for LGBTQ+ students, faculty, and professionals in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Join us for a weekend of sharing, mentoring, learning, workshops, poster session, and career resources. Boston, MA; Mar 4-5, 2017
  • Five College Queer Sexuality and Gender Conference – The Queer Conference is student-led, and aims to offer an accountable and supportive environment to further explore a wide range of topics and their intersections, such as race, genders, sexualities, ability, class, kink, survival strategies, and many more, in a specifically queer context. The Queer Conference strives to provide a safer space for engaging, learning, and fostering community with a wide range of workshops, panels, performances, and lectures by student leaders, Five College faculty and staff, off-campus educators, and nationally-known performers and speakers. Amherst, MA; Mar 5-6, 2017
  • Campus Pride National LGBTQ-Friendly Job & Career Fair Program – Online Job & Career Fair – The Campus Pride National LGBTQ-Friendly Job and Career Fair Program is designed to support young adults entering the workplace.  As the leading national LGBTQ college nonprofit organization, Campus Prides strives to build future leaders from college to the workplace. The college fair program will directly connect young adults with LGBTQ friendly and inclusive careers to make the job search easier and more accessible. Atlanta, GA; Mar 8, 2017
  • True Colors – True Colors is a non-profit organization that works with other social service agencies, schools, organizations, and within communities to ensure that the needs of sexual and gender minority youth are both recognized and competently met. The organization trains more than 2400 people annually, organizes the largest LGBT youth conference in the country with more than 3000 attendees and manages the state’s only LGBT mentoring program. True Colors has been spotlighted by both national and local media for their expertise in LGBTI youth issuesStorrs, CT; Mar 17-18, 2017
  • Leading With Pride – Leading with Pride brings together LGBTQ and ally students from DC’s public and charter schools as well as surrounding schools from Maryland and Virginia. The goal of the day is for students to have fun, connect with one another, and learn new ways to start strengthen or sustain their schools’ Gay- Straight Alliance. Washington, DC; TBA
  • Prideworks Conference for LGBT Youth – Our conference is a full-day educational experience that promotes a positive message, teaches leadership skills, and fosters a sense of community for LGBTQ Youth, their allies and the adults in their lives in the lower Hudson Valley.  Workshops and seminars are carefully selected that focus on creating safe and supportive environments and improving self-advocacy and leadership skills so attendees can better understand themselves, advocate for equality, and enhance their schools and communities. Yorktown Heights, NY; TBA

Apr –

  • BlaqOUT – As the host of the 3rd BlaqOUT Conference 2016, the University of California, Riverside cordially invites all folks who self-identify as Black/African American or of African descent and as Same Gender Loving, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning or somewhere on the LGBT spectrum to apply to attend. Riverside, CA; April 8-9, 2016
  • The Pennsylvania Youth Action Conference – First held in 2011, the YAC has become Pennsylvania’s largest statewide gathering of LGBTQ youth. The conference is organized by the Pennsylvania Youth Congress community – and is open to all young Pennsylvanians. The 2016 YAC is dedicated to liberating LGBTQ people from violence. Our vision statement grounds us to hold this conference on the how we can end the assault, harassment, and murder against LGBTQ Pennsylvanians, particularly against queer and trans people of color, and toward the empowerment of a generation of LGBTQ youth leaders fighting for Beloved communities throughout our state. Philadelphia, PA; Apr 8-10, 2016
  • Day of Silence is the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network’s (GLSEN) annual day of action to spread awareness about the effects of the bullying and harassment of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) students and their supporters. Students take a day-long vow of silence to symbolically represent the silencing of LGBT students and their supporters. Apr 21, 2017
  • Expression Not Suppression – Expression Not Suppression (ENS) is a Fresno-based annual conference for LGBTQ youth and straight allies who are dedicated to creating safer schools and building the GSA movement in the Central Valley. ENS is youth-planned and youth-led. Fresno, CA; TBA
  • Out and Greek – Out & Greek Institute for LGBT & Ally Fraternity & Sorority Leaders. San Diego, CA; TBA
  • Time to Thrive – The Human Rights Campaign Foundation in partnership with the National Education Association and the American Counseling Association present Time To THRIVE, the annual national conference to promote safety, inclusion, and well-being for LGBTQ youth…everywhere! Washington, DC; Apr 28-30, 2017

May –

  • Beyond Tolerance – NYQueer’s 10th annual Beyond Tolerance Conference, which focuses on issues pertaining to gender and sexuality and targets high school students, high school age youth and the adults who work with them!  New York, NY; May 6, 2016

Jun –

Jul –

  • Trans Youth and Parent Summit – Since 2008 BAGLY and the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition have worked together to provide an opportunity for transgender youth to meet and connect with transgender and other gender variant youth and the larger transgender community. At the summit, we share ideas, learn about legal rights and health information, and participate in workshops and fun activities including gender identity groups, art workshops, trans healthcare workshops, and more! Cambridge, MA; July 9, 2016
  • Gender Spectrum – Gender Spectrum helps to create gender sensitive and inclusive environments for all children and teens.Berkeley, CA; July 9-10, 2016
  • Camp Pride –  Camp Pride is the nation’s premiere LGBTQ Leadership Academy for undergraduate LGBTQ and ally students. Join us to develop your social justice and leadership skills. Advisor Bootcamp is for professionals working with LGBTQ college students on campuses. Expand your knowledge, enhance your skills as well as collaborate with others who share your passion for advising and creating safer, more welcoming communities. Charlotte, NC; July 11-16, 2017

Aug –

  • Gender Odyssey Family Conference – Gender Odyssey’s conference programming is focused on the needs and interests of transgender and gender diverse people from across North America and around the world. Gender Odyssey is a place where we can gather together, learn from one another, and celebrate our growing communities. By creating a place where we can share our collective experience, Gender Odyssey’s primary objective is to offer tools to navigate obstacles and provide pathways to individual and community empowerment. Seattle, WA; Aug 24-27, 2017

Sept –

  • OUT On the Hill Black LGBT Leadership Summit – The National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC) is honored to host the 7th Annual OUT on the Hill Black LGBT Leadership Summit (OOTH2015) in Washington, D.C. on September 14-17, 2016. OOTH2016 is a unique and important convening that brings together the nation’s leading Black LGBT activists, thought leaders, elected officials, faith leaders, elders and young adults to participate in an inspiring week of education, organizing and action planning. Washington, DC; Sept 14-17, 2016
  • Gender Infinity – Gender Infinity creates affirming spaces for families, learners, advocates, and providers to advance relationships, knowledge, and resources that empower gender diverse individuals. In our journey together we promote justice, equity, and hope in the celebration of infinite gender possibilities. Houston, TX; Sep 16-17, 2016
  • Out for Undergrad Marketing – The goal of O4U Marketing is to bring business, marketing, communications, liberal arts, and design students together with LGBTQ professionals from top marketing, digital, retail, and consumer product companies. Students will truly learn what life is like in the fields of advertising, product management, analytics, media, and branding. Chicago, IL;  Sept 16-18, 2016
  • Out for Undergrad Tech – Working with LGBT professionals from over 40 of the top tech firms in Silicon Valley and around the world, we help rockstar LGBTQ undergraduates learn about job opportunities, explore career paths, and develop strategies for managing and leveraging their identity to their advantage in the workplace. San Francisco, CA;  Sept 23-25, 2016
  • Out for Undergrad Business –  Our vision is to educate, inspire, and advance LGBT undergraduates who are interested in careers in financial services, management consulting, and accounting. New York, NY; Sept 30 – Oct 2, 2016

Oct –

  • LGBTQ Youth Empowerment Conference – Each year, HBGC hosts the LGBTQ Youth Empowerment Conference, a two-day summit that inspires empowers QTPOC youth with knowledge and skills and mobilizes LGBTQ youth of color to organize and advocate for justice and equity. The YEC is one of the largest gatherings of queer youth of color in New England and attracts over 300 young QTPOC between the ages of 14 and 25 each year. Participants join us from across the country to teach, learn, build community, exchange resources, and create social change. The conference includes a keynote address by outstanding QTPOC artists and activists, a resource fair with information about programs, services, events and opportunities for LGBTQ youth, exciting performances, meals and snacks, and an after party where attendees can relax and socialize after a full day of movement building. Cambridge, MA; Oct 8-9, 2016
  • Out for Undergrad Engineering –  Our vision is to educate, inspire, and advance LGBT undergraduates who are interested in careers in financial services, management consulting, and accounting. Palo Alto, CA; Oct 14-16, 2016
  • Spirit Day – Millions of people went purple on Spirit Day to send a clear message: bullying is unacceptable. Together, we all showed LGBTQ youth that we’ve got their backs. Oct 19, 2017

Nov –

  • Campus Pride National Online College Fair & Prep Day For LGBTQ and Ally College Students – Nov 8, 2017
  • IVYQ – Harvard IvyQ dares to imagine a radically inclusive and explorative queer community beyond binaries and the LGB. We want to create interactive, educational, and individual-centered spaces where members can engage with speakers, activists,and each other to explore under-analyzed pieces of the self, others, and unrepresented queer communities. Harvard IvyQ is intent on making this conference an immersive social experience, full of hype, that is accessible to everyone. Financial aid for fees and transportation is available upon request. Cambridge, MA; Nov 10-13 2016
  • Gender Conference East – Gender Conference East’s mission is to provide a safe and supportive space dedicated solely to the needs of children and youth across the gender spectrum. Newark, NJ; Nov 11-12, 2016
  • 2016 Youth Empowerment Summit – YES is a free annual conference for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) and ally youth activists who are dedicated to racial, economic, and educational justice for trans and queer youth. YES is youth-planned and youth-led. San Francisco, CA; Nov 19, 2016

Dec –

LGBTQ Youth Conferences

The post LGBTQ Youth Conferences appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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