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LGBTQ Youth Job Fair

<p>[ October 22, 2014; ] Work! Chicago, an LGBTQ youth job fair, will be hosted Wed., Oct. 22, 2014, noon-4 p.m. at the Center on Halsted, 3656 N. Halsted, sponsored by Windy City Times, Chicago House TransWorks, TransTech and the Center on Halsted.</p> <p>All members of the community can attend, with a special focus on LGBTQ youth and the transgender community.</p> <p>This job [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">LGBTQ Youth Job Fair</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>
October 22, 2014

Work! Chicago, an LGBTQ youth job fair, will be hosted Wed., Oct. 22, 2014, noon-4 p.m. at the Center on Halsted, 3656 N. Halsted, sponsored by Windy City Times, Chicago House TransWorks, TransTech and the Center on Halsted.

All members of the community can attend, with a special focus on LGBTQ youth and the transgender community.
This job fair is a followup event to the Windy City Times LGBTQ Homeless Youth Summit held in May. Many of the youth said they had difficulty in finding jobs that are open to the full expression of their selves. Especially vulnerable are transgender people searching for work.

LGBTQ Youth Job Fair

LGBTQ Youth Job Fair” We are really seeking the help of Chicago’s vibrant corporate and small business community in stepping up to provide opportunities for youth,” said Gretchen Blickensderfer, one of the job fair’s coordinators. “The first step is for businesses and nonprofits to signup for the job fair. We request that companies and nonprofits come with opportunities at all levels for applicants, from entry-level work to mid-career jobs.”

Booths are just $75 for businesses and $50 for non-profits. For an application, email Deadline for booth signup is Oct. 5.
In advance of the job fair, both Chicago House TransWorks and TransTech will be providing job training and support.
Chicago House Training
Chicago House will offer a free LGBTQ Job-readiness training. Topics discussed include self-awareness, self-esteem, communication, career planning, conflict resolution, anger management, self-care, goal setting, interview skills, resume, and cover letter writing. Other topics will include coming out or transitioning and best practices.
Participants that take part in the job readiness workshop are assigned a Career Specialist to help with setting career goals and objectives.  A Career Specialist is a career-focused counselor, who provides one-on-one guidance both before and after a participant gets a job.
The job readiness workshop will take place on Oct. 9, 10, 13 and 14.
In order to take part in the LGBTQ job readiness workshop please call Chicago House Employment program at 773-248-5200 ext. 109 and mention how you heard about this training.
TransTech Training
TransTech Social Enterprises (TTSE), is a non-profit organization that offers an apprenticeship and training academy that teaches job skills, as well as graphic design and web coding.  In the apprenticeship program, similar to a beauty school model, TransTech offers creative technology services including but not limited to, web development and graphic design, that are worked on by students and educators at affordable prices for consumers.  100% of the profits go back into the program.  TransTech is a social enterprise structure that is meant to maximize economic improvement and well-being within the LGBTQ community, rather than focusing on maximizing profits for external shareholders.
If looking to engage with TransTech as an apprentice, supporter, or volunteer please contact or at 773-372-3363.

The post LGBTQ Youth Job Fair appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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