March 21, 2025

Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network – LGBTQ News And Press Release Syndication. Connecting Gay News Media Worldwide Since Nov. 2001, Over 20 Yrs Serving the Gay Community.

Little Rock Black Pride 2013

[ July 26, 2013 to July 28, 2013. ] Little Rock, AR Little Rock Black Pride The mission of Little Rock Black Pride is to promote diversity, pride, and acceptance within the communities of Little Rock and within the rest of the greater Metropolitan Area. This will be a year round effort educating those in and outside our own community, culminating with an Annual "Pride Festival [...]
July 26, 2013toJuly 28, 2013

Little Rock, AR

Little Rock Black Pride

The mission of Little Rock Black Pride is to promote diversity, pride, and acceptance within the communities of Little Rock and within the rest of the greater Metropolitan Area. This will be a year round effort educating those in and outside our own community, culminating with an Annual “Pride Festival and Show”, AIDS Awareness Day and non stop night entertainment featured by both local and from around the country!

We are especially excited about our newest event this year “The Ladies Edition” where we will host events to cater to the beautiful women that support our event.LRBP is in it’s 9th year of serving the metro area of the great city of Little Rock and the wonderful state of Arkansas.

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