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<p>[ August 19, 2015 to August 23, 2015. ] MAGICO FESTIVAL - Thousands of hot men from around the world will meet to be part of the magic and to party in the unique environment found only on the magical white island. Ibiza, Spain.</p> <p>MAGICO FESTIVAL Ibiza Spain</p> <p>This year for the first time in Ibiza will held MAGICO FESTIVAL, thousands of guys around the world will meet from 19 [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">MAGICO FESTIVAL Ibiza Spain</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>
August 19, 2015toAugust 23, 2015

MAGICO FESTIVAL – Thousands of hot men from around the world will meet to be part of the magic and to party in the unique environment found only on the magical white island. Ibiza, Spain.



This year for the first time in Ibiza will held MAGICO FESTIVAL, thousands of guys around the world will meet from 19 to 23 August to be part of an event and to enjoy the party in the unique environment that offers the white island.

Parties day and night in the best clubs in the world, with the most important djs, big productions, beach parties and surprise performances.

Be captivated by the beach, sand, sea, music, guys and Mediterranean culture.

We will have international performances like Conchita Wurst (Eurovision winner 2014), the Ukrainian group Kazaky, the best DJs of the gay circuit and large performance and artistic productions.

Parties like LA TROYA and SUPERMAN weekly residents in Ibiza collaborating with the project.

Magico festival brings you everything you need to make your vacation this summer perfect, or rather, MAGIC!

Cristian Drak is the promoter MAGICO FESTIVAL, and all residents of the Balearic Islands, He will give them a VIP bracelet so they can enjoy the festivities of the festival as guests without paying entry; He considers that the resident is the soul of the islands, who guide tourists, cares and welcomes him and therefore he wants to invite them to the festival.

Este año por primera vez en Ibiza se celebra MAGICO FESTIVAL, miles de chicos de todo el mundo se darán cita del 19 al 23 de agosto para formar parte de un evento preparado para disfrutar de la fiesta en el entorno único que ofrece la isla blanca.

Fiestas de día y noche en los mejores clubs del mundo, con los dj más importantes, grandes producciones, beach parties y actuaciones sorpresa.

Déjate seducir por la playa, la arena, el mar, la música, los chicos y la cultura mediterránea.

Contaremos con actuaciones internacionales como Conchita Wurst (Ganadora de EUROVISION 2014), el grupo Ucraniano KAZAKY, los mejores DJ’s del circuito gay y grandes performance y producciones artísticas.

Fiestas como LA TROYA o SUPERMAN residentes semanales en Ibiza colaboran con el proyecto.

Magico festival pone a tu alcance todo lo necesario para que tus vacaciones este verano sean perfectas, o mejor dicho, MAGICAS!

Cristian Drak es el Promotor de MAGICO FESTIVAL, y a todos los residentes de Baleares, les facilita un brazalete VIP para que puedan disfrutar de las fiestas del festival como invitados sin tener que pagar entrada; considera que el residente es el alma de las islas, quien guía al turista, lo cuida y lo acoge y por eso quiere que sean invitados al festival.

Para todos los residentes pueden informarse de cómo obtener el beneficio escribiendo un mail a

The post MAGICO FESTIVAL Ibiza Spain appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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