December 29, 2024

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Meet Scott Turner Schofield, America’s First Transgender Soap Star

<p>In 1998, Julie Hesmondhalgh made history playing Coronation Street’s Hayley Cropper, the world’s first regular transgender character on a soap opera. 17 years later, an American soap finally broke that same barrier when The Bold and the Beautiful’s Maya, played by Karla Mosley, was revealed as a trans woman. A couple months later, the soap introduced another trans character, Nick, played by the actor Scott Turner Schofield.</p> <p> </p><p><img src="" width="461" height="307" alt="(C) Olivia Hemaratanatorn Courtesy Mayhem Ents." title="(C) Olivia Hemaratanatorn Courtesy Mayhem Ents."/></p> <p><a href="'s-First-Transgender-Soap-Star/9931228">Read More</a></p>

In 1998, Julie Hesmondhalgh made history playing Coronation Street’s Hayley Cropper, the world’s first regular transgender character on a soap opera. 17 years later, an American soap finally broke that same barrier when The Bold and the Beautiful’s Maya, played by Karla Mosley, was revealed as a trans woman. A couple months later, the soap introduced another trans character, Nick, played by the actor Scott Turner Schofield.

(C) Olivia Hemaratanatorn Courtesy Mayhem Ents.

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