March 25, 2025

Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network – LGBTQ News And Press Release Syndication. Connecting Gay News Media Worldwide Since Nov. 2001, Over 20 Yrs Serving the Gay Community.

Michigan Pride 2015

<p>[ August 29, 2015; ] Michigan Pride – The annual Pride Parade, part of the 26th Celebration of Pride in Michigan’s Capital. The Pride Parade attracts thousands of spectators annually and includes contingents from around the state-floats, vehicles, walkers, entertainment and much more. People from all walks of life participate in this annual event to show they have pride. Lansing, MI.<br /> Michigan Pride [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Michigan Pride 2015</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>
August 29, 2015

Michigan Pride – The annual Pride Parade, part of the 26th Celebration of Pride in Michigan’s Capital. The Pride Parade attracts thousands of spectators annually and includes contingents from around the state-floats, vehicles, walkers, entertainment and much more. People from all walks of life participate in this annual event to show they have pride. Lansing, MI.

Michigan Pride provides education, outreach, support, and events to enhance the lives of lesbian, bisexual, gay, and transgender people and builds quality relationships with all Michigan residents.

Michigan Pride 2015Michigan Pride 2015

Michigan Pride works to educate the Greater Michigan community about Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender issues and concerns. This includes, but is not limited to, equal rights for the LGBT community, marriage equality, and keeping LGBT families intact. We are also here to educate the LGBT and ally community about concerns that affect the LGBT population and are committed to working at the intersections of sexuality, gender, race, and class.

Kick off your White Party this year with a special concert by country music star Steve Grand!

Did you know that Michigan Pride, Inc. is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization? It’s true! To continue the annual, statewide events at the Capitol we need your support— whether it’s $1, $5, $20, or $100!
Donate Today
You’ll meet people from around Michigan, have fun, sweat a bit, and undoubtedly leave feeling good! At the end of the day you will have helped create a space for thousands of LGBT people to come out and show their PRIDE!
Volunteer Today
Michigan LGBT Community

The post Michigan Pride 2015 appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

Michigan Pride 2015

<p>[ August 29, 2015; ] Michigan Pride – The annual Pride Parade, part of the 26th Celebration of Pride in Michigan’s Capital. The Pride Parade attracts thousands of spectators annually and includes contingents from around the state-floats, vehicles, walkers, entertainment and much more. People from all walks of life participate in this annual event to show they have pride. Lansing, MI.<br /> Michigan Pride [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Michigan Pride 2015</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>
August 29, 2015

Michigan Pride – The annual Pride Parade, part of the 26th Celebration of Pride in Michigan’s Capital. The Pride Parade attracts thousands of spectators annually and includes contingents from around the state-floats, vehicles, walkers, entertainment and much more. People from all walks of life participate in this annual event to show they have pride. Lansing, MI.

Michigan Pride provides education, outreach, support, and events to enhance the lives of lesbian, bisexual, gay, and transgender people and builds quality relationships with all Michigan residents.

Michigan Pride 2015Michigan Pride 2015

Michigan Pride works to educate the Greater Michigan community about Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender issues and concerns. This includes, but is not limited to, equal rights for the LGBT community, marriage equality, and keeping LGBT families intact. We are also here to educate the LGBT and ally community about concerns that affect the LGBT population and are committed to working at the intersections of sexuality, gender, race, and class.

Kick off your White Party this year with a special concert by country music star Steve Grand!

Did you know that Michigan Pride, Inc. is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization? It’s true! To continue the annual, statewide events at the Capitol we need your support— whether it’s $1, $5, $20, or $100!
Donate Today
You’ll meet people from around Michigan, have fun, sweat a bit, and undoubtedly leave feeling good! At the end of the day you will have helped create a space for thousands of LGBT people to come out and show their PRIDE!
Volunteer Today
Michigan LGBT Community

The post Michigan Pride 2015 appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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