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Milwaukee Pride Parade 2013

[ June 9, 2013; ] Milwaukee, WI Milwaukee Pride Parade PrideFest was the first organization to hold a Pride parade in the Milwaukee area.  But unfortunately during PrideFest's darker years when funding was low the parade was cut from the bill of events. The original owners of Outbound magazine took the bull by the horns and one year after the parade was dropped [...]
June 9, 2013

Milwaukee, WI

Milwaukee Pride Parade

PrideFest was the first organization to hold a Pride parade in the Milwaukee area.  But unfortunately during PrideFest’s darker years when funding was low the parade was cut from the bill of events.

The original owners of Outbound magazine took the bull by the horns and one year after the parade was dropped by PrideFest, Jim and James pulled one together.

Their first parade (2005) lasted a little over 35 minutes, and had approximately 20 – 25 entries.  The parade has continued to grow every year.

For the 2006 parade there were shake ups within the organization as Jim and James had to leave the Milwaukee area, and have since relocated to Pennsylvania.  But the Parade still went off with out a hitch and grew by 25 minutes and almost 10 entries.

In 2007 the organization stood firm despite numerous changes which were out of their hands.  The parade grew in 2007 to include shuttle service provided by the Joseph Pabst Foundation, and to a length of 1 hour and 30 plus minutes and a total of 35 plus units.

In 2008 the Parade had to deal with severe weather but despite that the parade held firm that it is a rain or shine event.  Luckily the sky’s cleared about a hour and a half before step-off and the parade went off with out a single hitch!  this year the Parade grew to 48 units and lasted for 1 hour and 40 minutes.  As well as including the Pioneer Drum and Bugle Corps and Color Guard, as our surprise ending.  A marching band of this caliber had never been in the parade and now hopefully they will become a staple.

In 2009 the Milwaukee Pride Parade hit another record with 52 entries in the parade.  While still lasting approximately an hour and a half the parade was full of high caliber entertainment like that from Nut Hut, JC’s Pub and Grill, Milwaukee Brewing Co, and Windy City Cowboys.

In 2010 the parade grew even more.  The 2010 Parade had 54 entries and included everyone that we could possibly think of!  People had a great time with the theme of “Twisted Fairy Tales” With great twists like a “Dwarf” Snow white and 7 Go-Go boys and plenty of “damsels” in distress in castle towers. It was a great year with great weather.

In 2011 the parade held its own in spite of a very low economy and had 53 entries with over 5,000 people in attendance.  This was the first year the parade offered free entry to 501(c)3 organizations and the unit list showed that it was the right decision.  The parade also began work on itself going through a massive fiscal restructuring effort which culminated in the decision to begin work on a 501(c)3 arm of the Milwaukee Pride Parade.

In 2012, the parade once again held its own inspire of the sluggish economy with 53 units, and in doing so expanded the free entry for non profit organizations.  The parade completed its fiscal restructuring and emerged with a 501(c)4 status to show for it.  And while the 501(c)3 arm of the parade has been put on the back burner it remained on the minds of board members as a great way to give back to the community.  2012 also saw the Parade get greener as recycling bins were placed along the route, these were greatly received and used by attendees to the point that the amount of the recycling containers is being evaluated for an massive increase.

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