March 28, 2025

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Moroccan Eden Andalou Spa and Resort : We are open minded and accepts gays

<p>Yesterday published an article called " Banned from four-star Moroccan Eden Andalou Spa and Resort because they’re gay" based on a news story from The Daily Mail (UK). Today Eden Andalou Spa and Resort reached out to to give their side of the story.</p> <p>This post appeared first on - <a rel="nofollow" href="">Moroccan Eden Andalou Spa and Resort : We are open minded and accepts gays</a> . </p> <p> are covering Ireland, UK and rest of the world with LGBT news for the LGBT community and their family and friends.</p>

We in think everyone in a case that want their explanation/statement to be publish should get that chance. Based on the statement from Eden Andalou Spa and Resort have given us in writing – it seems that Eden Andalou Spa and Resort has been given wrongfully and undeserved anti-LGBT attitudes towards LGBT persons.

Hotel Eden Andalou Spa and Resort

Hotel Eden Andalou Spa and Resort says they accept LGBT persons.

Banned from four-star Moroccan Eden Andalou Spa and Resort because they’re gay” article infers that The Eden Andalou was in some way complicit in the banning of these two clients and this is quite simply untrue.

We would like to inform everyone that all our rooms have 2 twin beds and 2 or 3 sofa-beds. Our guests are free to occupy their rooms as they wish and we’ve very many same-sex reservations of 2 or more males in one room and of 2 or more females in one room as well as heterosexual couples, families and mixed 3 or 4 persons. Moroccan Eden Andalou Spa and Resort will never ask questions or make judgements concerning our guest’s sexuality, sexual proclivity, or religion . Above all Moroccan Eden Andalou Spa and Resort are an open minded, tolerant and liberal hotel dealing mostly with European guests.

Specifically referring to the couple (Morgan Hughes and Lloyd Innes mention in the yesterdays article), I can say that we have no direct contract with British Airways and have not discussed this or any other reservation with them. A reservation was received on the 17th of March 2015 under the name of Morgan Edward Huges through our partner Hotelbeds (Spain) without any specifications. The booking was for a room with two twin beds (2 people) and was confirmed the same day. On the 9th of April 2015, Hotelbeds sent us the booking cancellation without giving a reason or a motive.

At no time did we have any conversation or email regarding this booking with anybody from British Airways or HotelBeds.

Also please note that all our reservations are made by email and that we never refused to speak to the clients. To prove our good faith, we are ready to receive these guests whenever they wish and with a special treatment.

This post appeared first on - Moroccan Eden Andalou Spa and Resort : We are open minded and accepts gays . are covering Ireland, UK and rest of the world with LGBT news for the LGBT community and their family and friends.

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