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MOVIE REVIEW: Leave It On The Floor

If, like me, you're a sucker for a musical about voguing set in LA, with a mainly unknown cast and containing some catchy tunes you've never heard of - this is the movie for you! by Chris Jones | 7th October 2013 Rotten Tomatoes describes this as a si...

If, like me, you're a sucker for a musical about voguing set in LA, with a mainly unknown cast and containing some catchy tunes you've never heard of - this is the movie for you!

by Chris Jones | 7th October 2013

© Peccapics

Rotten Tomatoes describes this as a sizzling mash-up of Paris Is Burning, Rent and Dreamgirls - and its right! Paris Is Burning is the trailblazing documentary that highlighted voguing to the wider world, whereas Rent and Dreamgirls should need no introduction (if they do, leave your membership card at the door as you leave......)

The story is simple: Brad is kicked out of his home by his trashy mother when she discovers he is gay. Living on the streets, singing catchy tunes, he soon discovers the world of ballroom......via the House of Eminence and Queef Latina......yes, I did just type Queef.

Each house has a head, and Eminence has the ogre called Latina...boyfriend in prison, house full of strays, she decides, against her better judgement to allow Brad to stay, laying the groundwork for some skullduggery as two of the house fall for his charms. The plot, such as it is, revolves around their attempts to reel him in, and the ensuing highs and lows.

© Peccapics

The music is original, with the tittle track being one of the strongest - but wait till you hear the ode to JT, Justin's Gonna Call......made me smile! This film also wins the award for most original use of a bowling alley, and a fake a man......

It has laughs, drama, dancing, tight vests, jaunty hats and fierce Gaga-esque outfits......

Treat yourself - I defy you to not be tapping your toes at least to one or two of these little numbers. As with most musicals, its difficult to engage with the characters, they can seem quite superficial or two dimensional, but that doesn't stop this being a celebratory movie about being yourself and being, for want of a better line, born this way....

The film is written by Glenn Gaylord, who also directed the movie "I Do", which I'll be reviewing nearer itsDVD release date later this month.

Leave It On The Floor is available now on Netflix, and to buy from both Itunes and Amazon

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