March 22, 2025

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Mr Gay Germany 2015

<p>[ July 15, 2015; ] Mr Gay Germany – As MR GAY GERMANY you represent your country at the official elections to the MR GAY WORLD. The competition is not only a challenge for body, mind and personality – it is also an exciting journey to the new places and people you get to know and gain many new friends and [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Mr Gay Germany 2015</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>
July 15, 2015

Mr Gay Germany – As MR GAY GERMANY you represent your country at the official elections to the MR GAY WORLD. The competition is not only a challenge for body, mind and personality – it is also an exciting journey to the new places and people you get to know and gain many new friends and experiences for you. Cologne, Germany.

Mr Gay Germany 2015

Mr Gay Germany 2015

MR GAY GERMANY looks for more than pretty faces and trained bodies. We are looking for representatives of the gay community in Germany. A role-model and model – briefly a hero of the scene, which is equipped with the following features:

  • The will to get things moving. 
  • The courage to point out injustice.   
  • The Selbstbewusstein to stand up for a just cause.  
  • As well as empathy and acceptance for your fellow man.

As the winner of MR GAY GERMANY you win 1x 2 flights with KLM Royal Dutch Airlines in Economy Class in the gay capital of the world NEW YORK!

Drinking with your companion a beer in the legendary Stonewall Inn on Christopher Street, where the lesbian and gay movement in 1969 took its beginning. Get ready for hot nights in the trendiest bars of HELLS KITCHEN and East Village. Fortess daytime, the sights of the city, take a walk through the trendy Williamsburg and enjoy the magnificent view from the recently inaugurated Observatory Deck of One World Trade Center. The program is brought to you by GUAPO.TRAVEL , your travel community for gays and friends.

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines was founded in 1919 and is the oldest airline in the world, which still operates under its own name. From ten German airports it flies up to six times a day to Amsterdam-Schiphol, from where starts the rest of the KLM fleet in a star shape in the whole world. The partner Air France KLM offers connections to 231 destinations in 103 countries. Especially comfortable passengers traveling in World Business Class (WBC).It was redesigned in 2013 and with a seat that can be transformed into a flat bed, equipped. Also since 2013 KLM offers not only on all intercontinental, but also on European flights the Economy Comfort zone at the front of the Economy Class.

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines is committed worldwide for years in many ways for the LGBT community. So KLM, for example, since 2004, a main sponsor of the AIDS Gala in Cologne and since several years sponsor of the AIDS-Hilfe raffle of Frankfurt CSD, the AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt “Run for More Time”, the AIDS-Hilfe Cologne “Run of Colours and the AIDS Help Wiesbaden ball night.

The post Mr Gay Germany 2015 appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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