December 22, 2024

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New Literary Collection Features LGBTQ Writers Over Age 50

<p>MadeMark Publishing announces the publication of Outer Voices Inner Lives, a new collection of stories and essays by LGBTQ writers over age 50. Outer Voices Inner Lives is the first literary collection to feature exclusively the work of LGBTQ writers over 50. </p> <p>The post appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">New Literary Collection Features LGBTQ Writers Over Age 50</a> .</p>

The 180-page book features 16 stories and essays by American and Canadian authors and a foreword by iconic author Patricia Nell Warren (The Front Runner). Outer Voices Inner Lives is available in print and e-book formats at

Reflected through the lens of the LGBTQ experience, Outer Voices Inner Lives is a powerful collection that captures the wisdom and understanding that come with growing older. The stories will resonate with older readers who may share many of experiences portrayed in the stories. And younger readers will find a source of inspiration, imagination and the resiliency of the creative spirit.

The book was co-edited by Stephen Dolainski in Los Angeles and Mark McNease in New York. The editors are both founders of websites ( and that celebrate the vibrancy, creativity and collective knowledge of older LGBTQ people. McNease also contributed a story to collection.

“As older LGBT people, we often feel invisible,” say the editors. “We want to be very visible, and to see our lives as going concerns. Outer Voices Inner Lives reflects the vibrancy of older LGBT people and by publishing it we can share the richness of our experiences and personal journeys.”

Complete list of authors of Outer Voices Inner Lives:

· Dominic Ambrose, Sally Bellerose, Michael Craft, Allison Green, Jane Eaton Hamilton, Lee Lynch, David Masello, Richard May, John McFarland, Mark McNease, Stephanie Mott, Dawn Munro, Neil Ellis Orts, Gary Pedler, James Reynolds, Jean Ryan.

The post appeared first on New Literary Collection Features LGBTQ Writers Over Age 50 .

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