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NEWS: Gay Marriage Vigil Outside House of Lords

Supporters of gay rights and same-sex marriage are urged today to take part in a vigil in London, due to take place outside the House of Lords this evening (3rd June 2013) as the bill is debated. by Newsdesk | 3rd June 2013 Peers will be discussing an...

Supporters of gay rights and same-sex marriage are urged today to take part in a vigil in London, due to take place outside the House of Lords this evening (3rd June 2013) as the bill is debated.

by Newsdesk | 3rd June 2013

House Of Lords |

Peers will be discussing and debating the same-sex marriage bill today in the House of Lords before it is voted on tomorrow (4th June 2013).

Supporters of gay rights and same-sex marriage are asked to join in a vigil known on Twitter and Facebook as #EqualMarriageVigil

Both Peter Tatchell and Jeremy Joseph have tweeted about the forthcoming vigil.

On the Equal Marriage Vigil Facebook group pag, a statement reads:

'Vigil for Equal Marriage #EqualMarriageVigil #LordsVigil outside House of Lords this Monday 3rd June 530pm til late. Rally by the statue of George V in Old Palace Yard, London SW1, diagonally opposite the main entrance to the House of Commons. Bring rainbow flags and placards.'

Visit the Facebook page:

If you are on Twitter be sure to use the hastag: #EqualMarriageVigil

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