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NEWS: The Falkland Islands To Celebrate First Gay Pride.

<p>The Falkland Islands celebrates first ever gay pride.</p> <p>By Newsdesk | 22nd June 2013</p><p></p><p> </p><p><img src="" width="459" height="309" alt="The Falkland islands " title="The Falkland islands "/></p> <p></p><p>For the first time in its history the Falkland Islands will celebrate their first gay pride.</p><p></p><p>The tiny Islands off the coast of Argentina are inhabited by just under 3000 Falkland Islanders.</p><p></p><p>Speaking from the Islands via Twitter, Scott Betts, a radio presenter who is stationed on the islands said:</p><p></p><p>“Hurricane Gay Pride hits the Falklands tomorrow, we’re hoping that some military guys and girls will be attending.”</p><p></p><p>Although this is the first official pride, last year Mr. Betts ran a last minute pride and a publican ran monthly ‘rainbow’ nights a few years ago.</p><p></p><p><a href="">Discuss this in the forum</a></p><p> </p>

The Falkland Islands celebrates first ever gay pride.

By Newsdesk | 22nd June 2013

The Falkland islands

For the first time in its history the Falkland Islands will celebrate their first gay pride.

The tiny Islands off the coast of Argentina are inhabited by just under 3000 Falkland Islanders.

Speaking from the Islands via Twitter, Scott Betts, a radio presenter who is stationed on the islands said:

“Hurricane Gay Pride hits the Falklands tomorrow, we’re hoping that some military guys and girls will be attending.”

Although this is the first official pride, last year Mr. Betts ran a last minute pride and a publican ran monthly ‘rainbow’ nights a few years ago.

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