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North Carolina Pride 2013

[ September 28, 2013; ] Durham, NC North Carolina Pride 2012 NC Pride Parade and Festival Great Success DURHAM - The ground on Duke University's East Campus was muddy and slippery, and a steady rain fell on Saturday's 28th N.C. Pride Festival. However, when Durham police officers sounded their sirens and revved their motorcycles, a cheer went up from those gathered at the [...]
September 28, 2013

Durham, NC

North Carolina Pride

2012 NC Pride Parade and Festival Great Success

DURHAM – The ground on Duke University’s East Campus was muddy and slippery, and a steady rain fell on Saturday’s 28th N.C. Pride Festival. However, when Durham police officers sounded their sirens and revved their motorcycles, a cheer went up from those gathered at the corner of West Main and Campus Drive. With the police escort and an eight-foot-tall Marilyn Monroe look-alike on stilts at the front of the line, the 28th annual N.C. Pride Parade got under way.

The vote approving Amendment One and election-year politics were on the minds of the parade spectators and participants. “We lost the battle but our fight is not over,” read a sign on one of the parade floats. Another asked, “Liberty and justice for ???”

Even with Amendment One, a carnival atmosphere pervaded the parade, despite the rain. Randy Jones, the cowboy from The Village People, waved to the crowd as the parade made its way north on Broad Street, west on Green Street, south on Ninth, then back to Main Street. The Beaver Lodge No. 1504 of Durham had their own Marilyn look-alike, 2012 Beaver Queen contestant Marilyn Damho, and they danced their way along the route with the help of the Bulltown Strutters, who gave the event a Mardi Gras feel. Along the route, spectators waved, took photos and cheered. As the parade made its way along Ninth Street, Shannon Kelly gave Marilyn Damho a kiss.

A man who simply called himself Slim danced and gave encouragement to the parade participants. “Hey! Make some damn noise!” he told a group passing by.

Numerous churches that support equal rights for the LGBT community were also represented. Ginger Bradsher-Cunningham and Carla Gregg, both of Pilgrim United Church of Christ, led prayer and communion at the gazebo on the campus lawn before the parade.

Adam Darragh, a student at Duke Divinity School, was at the prayer session. The election was certainly on his mind, but “I would be out here regardless,” Darragh said. “Equal rights has to be something we’re always pushing for, or it won’t work.”

Precious-Jewel Zabriskie said parade participants and spectators were drawn more by the atmosphere of the event, and the idea of being visible and proud, rather than politics. Zabriskie said she plans to get married to her partner in October. They will get legally married in New York, but will have a celebration ceremony in North Carolina. Zabriskie, a Time Warner Cable employee, was riding a float with other employees. Time Warner has an LGBT employee group.

At the end of the parade, former Village People singer Jones, in cowboy garb, took pictures with fans and handed out business cards. He was scheduled to perform “YMCA” later in the afternoon. Jones, who is from North Carolina, said he was disappointed in the Amendment One vote, but expressed love for his home state and country. “I love the people of North Carolina. I have ultimate faith in the people of the United States of America,” Jones said. “I think ultimately the heart of everyone in the United States … wants every human being to have a fair opportunity and a fair chance.”

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