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OPEN LETTER: South Molton News

Following an article published in South Molton News, reader and writer of TheGayUK Alex DaSilva writes an open letter to the editor, Paul Henderson. by Newsdesk | 23rd September 2014 Hi South Molton News,I don't know where to begin really: astonishmen...

Following an article published in South Molton News, reader and writer of TheGayUK Alex DaSilva writes an open letter to the editor, Paul Henderson.

by Newsdesk | 23rd September 2014

Jo Young

Hi South Molton News,

I don't know where to begin really: astonishment or anger.

'The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions'. - This does not connect with the articgfle's content.

Allow me to correct you:

'The Road of South Molton News is Paved with Bigotry and Ignorance.'

I am so happy for you that you have never needed to have an "aggressive" pride movement. I am thrilled that you have, not once, felt ostracised, marginalised or made to feel like a second class citizen.

Let me educate you on this raging pride. Pride means that no matter how much hatred comes in one's direction, love and care that others feel for one another will be celebrated and proclaimed as a symbol of hope.

A reminder that organisations: "Stonewall (and such like)" have gone through sacrifice and indefatigable knock backs, knock backs of which that have been caused by the likes of columnists of the South Molton News.

It's in not just a Gay Pride.. It is now a Human British Pride, for thousands and thousands are fighting our corner, against bigots (and such like) that reside in establishments such as yours.

Have a 'happy' day.

Alex DaSilva

if you have an open letter to send Paul Henderson, please email it

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