March 23, 2025

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Out of the Boxes, Onto the Screen

Documentaries at Frameline Festival Draw on Historical Society Archives The word “archives” often conjures up historians diligently working on research for books, but thy aren’t the only patrons who rely on the records preserved at the GLBT Historical Society. A good reminder of this fact comes from Frameline, the LGBT film festival held annually in San [...]

Documentaries at Frameline Festival Draw on Historical Society Archives

The word “archives” often conjures up historians diligently working on research for books, but thy aren’t the only patrons who rely on the records preserved at the GLBT Historical Society. A good reminder of this fact comes from Frameline, the LGBT film festival held annually in San Francisco in June. This year, the festival features three documentaries drawing on research in the society’s archives.

One of the films, Lewd & Lascivious, tells the story of the police raid on a 1964 New Year’s Eve fundraiser for the Council on Religion and the Homosexual, often referred to as “San Francisco’s Stonewall.” The Historical Society served as nonprofit sponsor for the film — and has signed on as cosponsor for its premiere at Frameline.

“Over the years I have gone through many files at the archives, finding missing details, news articles and old newsletter photos that have helped make Lewd & Lascivious far more interesting and colorful,” says director Jallen Rix. “The Historical Society has stuck with us throughout the long process of making this film. I can honestly say that the documentary never would have been made if it wasn’t for this support and the ability to offer tax deductions to donors by way of the society.”

Two other films included in the Frameline festival also benefited from research conducted at the GLBT Historical Society: Director Christie Herring’s The Campaign  portrays the struggle for marriage equality in the context of California’s Proposition 8, and director Jeffrey Schwarz‘s I Am Divine offers a biography of drag star, cult actor and queer cultural icon Divine.

Lewd & Lascivious is showing on Saturday, June 22, at 1:00 p.m. at the Victoria Theatre. On Sunday, June 23, The Campaign is set for 1:00 p.m. and I Am Divine for 3:30 p.m., both at the Castro Theatre. For details, visit the Frameline website.

Pride 2013: Free Day at The GLBT History Museum
The GLBT History Museum will offer free admission to all visitors on Pride Day, Sunday, June 30. The museum will be open from noon to 5:00 p.m. “Discovering stories of the queer past is an ideal way to recharge in the midst of the celebrations on Pride Sunday,” notes Paul Boneberg, executive director of the GLBT Historical Society. “We’re immensely grateful to Wells Fargo for making it possible to open our doors free of charge on this special holiday for the GLBT community and our friends.”
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