STANCE Theatre's highly acclaimed production drags Shakespeare's Richard III into a black comedy exploration...
Bentley's auctioneers will conduct an online estate auction of Jose Sarria, Empress I, The...
[ August 27, 2014 to September 1, 2014. ] Southern Decadence - New Orleans,...
[ August 27, 2014 to August 31, 2014. ] Quebec City Gay Pride
[ August 27, 2014 to August 30, 2014. ] Gay Pride Copenhagen - Copenhagen,...
The first episode of Doctor Who Series 8 - Peter Capaldi’s debut season in...
Wow, it seems some people can't be the better person, after Justin Bieber posts...
[ August 23, 2014; ] Hampton Roads Pride - Norfolk, Va
To instill pride,...
The Auckland Pride Parade will feature in Auckland’s major events calendar for the next...
The Auckland Pride Parade will feature in Auckland’s major events calendar for the next...
[ August 23, 2014; ] CSD Kassel - Kassel, Germany
CSD Kassel 2014
Christopher admits to Ashleigh that he and Mark had a kiss last night, before...
Marianne Faithfull will celebrate her 50th anniversary in music with a world tour.
by Newsdesk...
Goodness, rumours are flying around that Orlando Bloom and Justin Bieber have had an...
Gay and lesbian police officers sometimes fear the consequences of revealing their sexuality as...
Despite working, 48% of 20 to 34 year olds who live with their parents...
Pets of all sizes and persuasions are being invited to take part in a...
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