March 24, 2025

Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network – LGBTQ News And Press Release Syndication. Connecting Gay News Media Worldwide Since Nov. 2001, Over 20 Yrs Serving the Gay Community.

Pair Eyewear Unveils Fourth Annual ‘Love Wins’ Collection to Support GLSEN

In honor of Pride Month, Pair Eyewear will donate profits to GLSEN to advance efforts to promote LGBTQ+ inclusion in K-12 schools Pair Eyewear has donated more than $130,000to GLSEN since 2022 Pair Eyewear, the first direct-to-consumer customizable e...
In honor of Pride Month, Pair Eyewear will donate profits to GLSEN to advance efforts to promote LGBTQ+ inclusion in K-12 schools Pair Eyewear has donated more than $130,000to GLSEN since 2022 Pair Eyewear, the first direct-to-consumer customizable eyewear brand reimagining the consumer experience for individuals with glasses, is honored to unveil the fourth annual Love Wins Collection in anticipation and celebration of Pride Month in June. A portion of profits from the collection will be donated to GLSEN to support their mission to create safe and inclusive schools for LGBTQ+ young people. The collection features 12 new Top Frames and 18 returning Top Frames in bold, bright colors and patterns and is the latest installment of Pair's expanding product catalog designed to transform eyewear from a functional accessory to a symbol of visibility, acceptance, and the power of diverse narratives. One of this year's Love Wins...

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